Good news for Genesis fans - bad news for DVD-Audio?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by dcooper, Jun 14, 2004.

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  1. dcooper

    dcooper New Member Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Check out this article regarding the upcoming 5.1 release of the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Apparently the rumor is that this will be released on Dual Disc.

    Though it's a bit ambiguous, could the following paragraph be bad news for DVD-Audio fans?

  2. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member

    Does Dual Disc exclude the possibility of a DVD-A layer?
  3. therockman

    therockman Senior Member In Memoriam

    I think that the dual disc will definately include a DVD-A layer, otherwise why make a dual disc?
  4. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Every DualDisc released has included DVD-A except for the ones from Sony.

    Since this is from Warner, there is absolutely no reason to suspect that a Genesis DualDisc would not have DVD-Audio.
  5. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member

    "Atlantic Records being part of Warner will likely release the disc on DVD. The question is will the release be on DVD-Audio or some form of Dual Disc. Sources inside a major record label and a prominent electronics manufacturer tell that the Dual Disc test marketing went very well with very few returns. When asked why there had been so few DVD-Audio releases lately one exec responded “Its pretty obvious isn’t it”?

    Then why the "either-or" implication, unless (as I expect) the industry goes with DVD-V as the music standard, since most listeners have DVD-V-capable players. The quote from the exec could imply that.
  6. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

    "The Lamb" was supposed to be released in May, and has since been postponed til September. Will be on SACD overseas.
  7. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Every DVD-A disc except for one or two classical releases from Europe includes a DVD-V section. This is not an either-or proposition.

    My interpretation is that it is obvious that Warner has withheld DVD-A only releases in order to release them as DualDisc DVD-A later this year. And yes, the folks who only have DVD-V will still be able to play surround, from the same disc, just like regular DVD-A discs.

    However, I would not be surprised if some Warner DualDiscs (the ones with of video content, which is almost certainly not going to happen with 'Lamb') have to have their high-resolution bitrate reduced in order to make room for the videos.

    FYI, the Genesis remixes are made by transferring the original multis to PCM, then mixing through an analog console. And sadly, the stereo is remixed as well...
  8. StyxCollector

    StyxCollector Man of Miracles

    Since it was also remastered for CD, and both DVD-A and SACD were done, it makes sense if Warner here in the USA does a Dual Disc. But it will be two of 'em; they're keeping the original 2-disc format.

    AFAIK, no Dolby or DTS option.
  9. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Single disc wouldn't be possible, if only for the CD layer...just won't fit.

    Name a surround DVD-A or surround DualDisc that doesn't include a 5.1 DD and/or DTS track...
  10. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    The article was from Audio Revolution. Remember these guys? I do. They said that Pink Floyd Dark Side of The Moon would be on DVD-audio. I have my doubts, therefore, about the source.

    Plus, I believe that the Genesis website has said it is coming out on Super Audio.

    If this is only available on SACD in Europe, I would gladly pay for the import disc.

    It could be an interesting title for any upcoming DualDisc campaign but let's hope they have a true hirez layer and not some 24/48k rubbish.
  11. StyxCollector

    StyxCollector Man of Miracles

    Nick Davis didn't mix it AFAIK in DD or DTS. But who knows.
  12. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Nick Davis has said to look for DVD-A of the Genesis titles stateside. Since it is Warner, that is a no brainer.

    You should probably be more concerned about the resolution of the PCM multitracks used to produce it, since that will affect the SACD as well. :)

    You don't mix in DD or DTS, you just convert to it.

    Every DVD-A or DualDisc with surround includes a DD or DTS 5.1 track for the listeners who don't have a high-res setup. This will be no different.
  13. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    A number of these titles should have an analog master liying around if they are old enough so it may not be an issue.
  14. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    If you actually read the thread (and other Genesis threads), you'd know these are being mixed from PCM multitracks that are copied from the original analog multitracks. And mixed on an analog desk.

    Your Genesis SACD will have an ANALOG->PCM->ANALOG->DSD signal path.

    And the stereo track will as well, as it is a remix to boot.
  15. ubsman

    ubsman Active Member

    Wasn't the Doors LA Woman like that? No DD, No dts. I haven't checked. Just going by something I heard once.
  16. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

  17. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    As long as the PCM sampling rate is high say 88.2k or higher it could still sound good.

    Even better would be analog tape to DSD and for multichannel to mix at 352khz on the workstation.
  18. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    The best choice to produce DSD surround is to mix in PCM? ;)
  19. MMM

    MMM Forum Hall Of Fame

    Lodi, New Jersey
    Why are they bothering with transferring the analog multi's to PCM, if they are going to do the mix in analog? Why not mix straight off the analog multitrack? Or do tapes have to be sync'd up?

    Why are they redoing the stereo mixes?
  20. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    I'm not sure...reduce wear on the original tapes? Because it is easier?

    Beats me...don't sell your original mix CDs and/or vinyl.
  21. MMM

    MMM Forum Hall Of Fame

    Lodi, New Jersey
    That makes sense, but if that's why they're doing it, they could "practice" their mixes with the digital copies and once they pretty much have it down, they could use the "real" tapes to make their mix from.
  22. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    Only if they don't have the latest workstations. It depends greatly on the number of tracks mixing in DSD can be done now up to 16 channels. Of course I wrote the above since 352k is very, very close to pure DSD. That sampling rate is so fast that sonics are preserved in other words.

    I also wonder about the necessity for a PCM intermediary. It smells like they are going to do some processing. Not good from my minimalist viewpoint...
  23. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    Agreed--if that's how they come out, I'll be getting the European versions for sure.
  24. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    What 24-track workstation mixes in DSD? And if there is one, can you name a single pop/rock recording that I can buy that was mixed on one?

    Oh, I've been saying for a year I'll buy whatever 'old' Genesis comes out first...imports if needed.

    But I'll only be buying for the surround...I've no particular desire for a stereo remix. I suppose there's an outside chance I'll be pleasantly surprised, but these recordings are ingrained in my synapses...I just don't have any good hopes for a stereo remix of a 24-track album that I already love.
  25. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

    From today's MusicTAP....

    Further word on Genesis' upcoming hi-res issue of The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway has it that this issue will not be a DualDisc or DVD-Audio but rather an SACD release. But TLLDoB isn't the only Genesis album that received the 5.1 rework. Word also has it that Trick of the Tail has been reshaped into 5.1. That's good news for Genesis fans. Whether you're Gabriel era fans or post Gabriel fans or even fans of everything Genesis, these upcoming releases ought to have you salivating for not only surround treatments but also spectacular sounding music. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is expected sometime in September while Trick of the Tail should follow soon after. Now for Nursery Crymes and And Then There Were Three and Wuthering Heights and...
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