It's really over for Rhino

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by namretsam, Mar 4, 2004.

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  1. namretsam

    namretsam Senior Member Thread Starter

    Santa Rosa , CA
    Its really over for Rhino

    My friend in NY at Warners (who was just sacked herself) just told me almost all the A&R staff at WSM/Rhino that ever drew a "Rhino paycheck" were let go on Tuesday and were all told to be off the premises by today. They are all gone.
  2. mudbone

    mudbone Gort Annaologist

    Canada, O!
    Oh my! No more Handmade either, I'll assume.

  3. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member

    ****. RIP, Rhino, we hardly knew ye.
  4. Jerry

    Jerry Grateful Gort Staff

    New England
    I hope that doesn't effect the Jerry Garcia box set coming out on Rhino next month...
  5. Elegy

    Elegy Forum Resident

    Midland, Michigan
    Forget about that box set. What about all those people who just lost their jobs. I feel very bad for them.

    I remember when my wife lost her job and how devastated she was. I know, life goes on, and it has for her, but at the time is was very traumatic both mentally and financially.
  6. Paul K

    Paul K Senior Member

    Toronto, Canada
    That's harsh.
  7. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host


    What about Mark Pinkus and Mason Williams? Still there?
  8. Bob Lovely

    Bob Lovely Super Gort In Memoriam

    Sad news!

    For all of us...

    Bob :(
  9. Jefhart

    Jefhart Senior Member

    What a damn shame, but we knew this was coming.

  10. Rob LoVerde

    Rob LoVerde New Member

    This is not good...not good at all.
  11. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    After Greg Shaw's BOMP label. RHINO took over in the eighties. They will be sadly missed!
  12. stereoptic

    stereoptic Anaglyphic GORT Staff

    I know that the main reason is economics, but how did this happen? Did Rhino get too big for itself? I thought that their titles sold reasonably well; at least their catalog was always pretty well stocked in the big name outlets, as well as the indy shops.

    I feel very bad for all of those people who worked so hard to produce a quality product. I enjoyed their little profiles on the Rhino website.

    I guess that I should start to stock up onthe Elvis Costello, Ramones, Television titles that I have on my "to-get" list!

  13. Mike Dow

    Mike Dow I kind of like the music

    Bangor, Maine
    From The Turtles, to "Golden Throats" to NRBQ...we'll miss you Rhino. Let's hope that all of those people find employment soon. :(
  14. PaulB

    PaulB Forum Resident

    It doesn't make sense that the Rhino flagship titles go out of print. Ramones, Elvis Costello, Television are in that category. Also Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, ect. But I can see some of the more obscure titles not lasting too long.
  15. AudiophilePhil

    AudiophilePhil Senior Member

    San Diego, CA
    or the Chicago X DVD-Audio coming out this month.
  16. reechie

    reechie Senior Member

    Pretty much just a clearing of the decks. Bronfman wants to bring in their people.
  17. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    I'd like some confirmation of that as well. For now it just looks like an employee housecleaning. If anyone mentions divisions being shut down, that's a different story. IIRC, Rhino/WSM was making money. There is one Rhino Handmade title I want to get. I guess I'd better jump on it ASAP... :sigh: Losing the Handmade division would be a real loss, IMHO, but knowing "big record company economics", the small programs like this are the first to fall under the axe. (I'm still bitter at Universal's hand in destroying the Verve By Request series, which was a music lover's dream.)

    Sad to hear about this news, regardless of what happens to the company. Nobody in this economy deserves to be dumped out on the streets.
  18. Jeff H.

    Jeff H. Senior Member

    Northern, OR

    I'm really saddened by the shuttering of Rhino too. But it has been a long time coming. With the departure of the labels founders from the company, it was only a matter of time before it did happen. :( I'm no stranger to what's happening at WMG since I've working in the music biz for 13 years, and am currently unemployed right now. Unfortunately the first thing the "bean counters" look at when making financial cuts are things like specialty labels. My only hope is that WSM will pick up where Rhino left off, although I'm not holding my breath. :sigh:
  19. quentincollins

    quentincollins Forum Word Nerd

    Most importantly: What about Bill Inglot?

    A lot of people lost their jobs, and that's definitely not a good thing. But I'm remaining optimistic that so long as ol' Bill sticks around, Rhino won't be completely dead. Inglot IS Rhino!

    Let's hope for the best.
  20. David P. Hill

    David P. Hill Forum Resident

    Irving, Tx
    I just got thru talking and ordering from RhinoHandmade. I asked her if they were still in business or shuting down. She said no. So I ordered The Doors "2nd Show at the Aquarius Theater". Good show! :righton:
  21. Very sorry for your friend and the others at Rhino. I remember when I was sacked from a division of General Electric in late 2000, along with many others, while Jack Welch was still drawing a gazillion dollar salary and GE was still sitting in the top of the Fortune 500.

    My buying habits are about to change. For the next while it will be all Rhino, all the time.
  22. stereoptic

    stereoptic Anaglyphic GORT Staff

    One of Rhino's founders has an interesting new company - ShoutFactory. Take a look at their website. They have a few Blasters titles, and some pretty strange videos as well.
  23. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    I had a bunch of friends lose their jobs here at Warner Bros. Tuesday was awful. Tons of sad people all drinking at the local bars hating the music industry. There's just not enough room for all of them to find jobs. This really sucks!

    As for Rhino, I have a feeling they'll go on. Maybe it won't be business as usual but the name will still be there. They are the ones making money and the new powers that be are fully aware of this. Will Bill Inglot stick around? Will he start his own show? Who knows? I hope he's allowed to continue his work regardless of what's going on around him and if not I hope he can start his own label and do more of the work he's been doing.
  24. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    Yeah, they're the ones that put out that Groucho Marx DVD set. :love: :love: and I think they're also the company putting out the Freaks and Geeks set! Pretty impressive for such a young company. Imagine that... putting out stuff that people want. :agree:
  25. AtcoFan

    AtcoFan Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, USA
    People at Rhino (and Rhino Handmade)
    have been very good to me since 1985.

    Let us now pay tribute to
    these Reissue biz Legends!

    Hail! And THANKS!

    Gary Stewart
    Gary Peterson (SH Forum Member)
    David McLees
    Bill Inglot
    Bob Fisher
    David Baker (DK Baker)
    Ted Myers
    James Austin
    Patrick Milligan

    And the Art Dept:
    Bryan Lasley
    Rachel Gutek
    Coco Shinomiya
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