An Unenlightened Q re. MFSL Beatles LPs

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by SVL, Mar 3, 2004.

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  1. SVL

    SVL Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Kiev, Ukraine
    Abbey Road seems to be the one that shows up on eBay more often than any other MFSL Beatles LP. Is there something we should know there?;)... meaning, are there any problems with the pressing or the sound?
  2. Leppo

    Leppo Forum Librarian

    MoFi simply pressed more Abbey Roads than any other Beatles' title and regarding the sound it has MoFi's infamous :)ly face EQ. I would suggest looking for a clean UK Apple LP for this title.
  3. Pug

    Pug The Prodigal Snob Returns!

    Near Music Direct
    Abbey Road is actually one of the titles that MoFi got right.

  4. Leppo

    Leppo Forum Librarian

    Is your copy a "JH" or "SR"?
  5. thegage

    thegage Forum Currency Nerd

    Hmm. I've got the MSFL Box AR, the solo MFSL release (I'll have to check on the mastering), and a 1st pressing UK (misaligned Apple cover). The UK is amazing, with startling immediacy and fat bass, but I also find the MFSLs surprisingly close--not overly EQd at all.

    John K.
  6. Randy W

    Randy W Original Member

    Yeah, it's one of the good ones...all SR as far as I know.
  7. Leppo

    Leppo Forum Librarian

    All the SR pressings have the EQ boost. This has been discussed numerous times here. The JH pressings are closer to the UK pressings and still they're not "right".
  8. Randy W

    Randy W Original Member

    Leppo, yes, all SR masterings have an EQ boost - some more than others. I am aware of the discussions and I believe you are referring to the MFSL of Sgt. Peppers, which has both a JH and SR mastering. The JH Sgt. Peppers is the individual release and is close to the UK in sound. The box set is SR initialed and has the EQ boost. Abbey Road is another story and they all have SR initials (someone please prove me wrong here). The MFSL AR EQ boost is minimal compared to the others.
  9. Leppo

    Leppo Forum Librarian

    Yes Randy, that's correct and that's why I suggested a UK pressing in my original post to our Ukrainian friend, SVL. :)
  10. Stax Fan

    Stax Fan Forum Resident

    While I can't *prove* it, I strongly suspect all the MFSL pressings of "Abbey Road" were mastered by Stan Ricker. I've seen a boatload over the years and have never seen a Hunt version.

    I generally prefer the UK pressings I've owned, but like you, don't hear *that* much difference in EQ with the MFSL...not with the copies I've had anyway. It's there, but it's not nearly what some other MFSL titles exhibit. I consider the MFSL "Abbey Road" to be a reasonably good version. It's thick, but they all are to varying degrees.
  11. daveman

    daveman Forum All Star

    Question while we're on the subject.

    We all know that it's darn near impossible to license to release Beatles stuff, especially music. How did MFSL get to?
  12. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member

    Pre-contract renegotiation. EMI had more freedom to license back then...
  13. Randy W

    Randy W Original Member

    Thanks for chiming in Arin - I agree with your assesments.
  14. Tullman

    Tullman Senior Member

    Boston MA
    I agree. I think it sounds better than my original lp. I get so tired of the smiley face comment when refering to Mofi's. When comparing those lps to the cds it is not even close. I guess we could call those cds a face in a hundred mile an hour wind.
  15. kipper15

    kipper15 Forum Resident

    United Kingdom
    Would agree with that.
  16. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Right. Prior to 1986, EMI basically controlled the catalog and could license it as they wanted to. After the lawsuit which was settled in 1986, the Beatles (ie, Apple) gained control of the catalog, and they have proven to be much more selective in what they will allow to be released.
  17. Pug

    Pug The Prodigal Snob Returns!

    Near Music Direct
    Mine is the Stan Ricker pressing. Sounds good to these ears.

  18. John Carsell

    John Carsell Forum Resident

    Northwest Illinois
    Abbey Road was the first Mo-Fi Beatles album issue back in early 1980, then MMT in 1981 and the White Album in '82.

    Seems like Mo-Fi was starting to add the bad top end boost around the time the other titles were being cut (mid-1982) for the Beatles box set when the cheif of engineering (can't remember his name) handed down the bad orders to SH and others.

    Not only was the Beatles stuff affected, I Robot cut around the same time suffers as well. :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:
  19. Pug

    Pug The Prodigal Snob Returns!

    Near Music Direct
    Magical Mystery Sounds good to me as well. It's not as nice as the German pressing but it's pretty darn good. I'm assuming all of the LPs after the White Album are :hurl:

    You know I agree with you on I Robot. Hear the HDAD yet? Nice......

  20. John Carsell

    John Carsell Forum Resident

    Northwest Illinois
    No, I haven't heard the HDAD yet. Hopefully soon though

    If Mo-Fi would have just used the right tapes for MMT (true streo side 2 and all) I sure it would have a been a lot bigger seller than it was.
  21. Vinylbob

    Vinylbob Forum Resident

    Ambler, PA
    My Abbey Road Mofi SR sounds thin compared to the UK, and is the only one where the UK beats it. I have two Rubber Soul Mofi's, each by SR, one marked H121, the other H123 (on the A side). The 121 sounds much better, warmer. Did they have a number of masterings within the individual LP's?
  22. Vinylbob

    Vinylbob Forum Resident

    Ambler, PA
    Were there different masterings of the individual Mofi LP's? I have two Rubber Souls, one marked H121 (first side) and the other marked H123. The 121 is a warmer, nicer pressing. Both marked SR.

    The Abbey Road I have, SR, sounds thin to me compared to the UK, out of all the series.
  23. Lownotes

    Lownotes Senior Member

    Denver, CO
    Since SR is on here, we should ask him if he EQ'd 'em.
  24. Vinylbob

    Vinylbob Forum Resident

    Ambler, PA
    Hey, even though it was rechanneled, the MMT had the mono of Baby You're a Rich Man. They only did the piano echo in mono. Rechanneled, but listen from the other room.

    For the Rubber Soul MFSL, I have two copies, both by SR, with different matrix numbers. Side one reads H121 on one, H123 on the other. The 121 is warmer and nicer. Were there different masterings of these?

    I'm not fond of the MFSL Abbey Road compared to the UK, and that's the only one that stands out strongly. Just sounds thin. The White Album to some extent too.
  25. Vinylbob

    Vinylbob Forum Resident

    Ambler, PA
    Sorry I didn't realize we were on a second page. I was trying to figure out where the response went. DUH!
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