"Jethro Tull Is On Ice" "The Group Will Never Record Another Album"

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by tootull, Dec 8, 2011.

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  1. tootull

    tootull I tried to catch my eye but I looked the other way Thread Starter

    Never say never. Sounds like, fire one! Man overboard. Guitarist is cutting his own knave wave. I understand that Canada has been nice to Martin. If I had to choose in concert, in the past it would have been Ian. Today, Martin takes the ticket. (Note, today. :winkgrin:) With a new Ian Anderson album, let further judgement begin.

    Martin added, "We won't be regurgitating what Jethro Tull did last year, or this year, or the year before, which I find fairly pointless. We'll give a new take on Jethro Tull with tracks that, I think, everybody will really want to hear."

    Tull Through Time

  2. bRETT

    bRETT Senior Member

    Boston MA
    Wonder which Tull members he's getting? I'll be excited if he can round up some of the early lineup guys...Less so it it's Noyce, Giddings and a soundalike singer.
  3. bigmikerocks

    bigmikerocks Forum Resident

    would love to see barre live with john evan, barrie barlow and a singer that can actually still sing a lot of that stuff!!
  4. Robobrewer

    Robobrewer Forum Resident

    Thornton, Co.
    I must admit that I am far more excited about Martin's tour than Ian's. This is in spite of the fact that Anderson's will be a Thick as a Brick tribute.

    Ian Anderson's voice is shot and he really pissed me off when he cut the last Tull show I saw a song or two short because he was pissed at a handful of rude audience members.

    I like Martin Barre's attitude and I look forward to what I expect to be an outstanding and energized revisiting of early Tull.
  5. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    For a second, I thought maybe they were following Rick Wakeman's lead. ;)
  6. ginchopolis

    ginchopolis Forum Resident

    ginchopolis, usa

    After all that time - why?

    Seriously, put it to bed. It's not Tull without Ian and Martin at least.

    Interesting ego examination.

    Ian hasn't needed the $ for 30 years.

    And, he lost MAJOR points for doing TAAB with young guns.
  7. tootull

    tootull I tried to catch my eye but I looked the other way Thread Starter

  8. Barnabas Collins

    Barnabas Collins Senior Member

    I agree with you, I'm siding with Sir Lancelotte Barre. And I also tire of Ian Anderson's digs at progressive rock when Tull were just as capable as being as "pretentious" (I hate that term) as Yes or ELP.
  9. Robobrewer

    Robobrewer Forum Resident

    Thornton, Co.
    Good point. Anderson is entitled to his opinions but his ego can be annoying.
  10. Tremaindous

    Tremaindous Forum Resident

    Time to retire!
  11. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Rock to you drop is the attitude...and, I say WHY NOT?! I wish them both successful tours.:)
  12. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    I hate to say it, but Ian's voice has left the building and isn't coming back. So putting Jethro Tull on ice makes sense. Of course, it should have been done some time ago.

    It's a shame. But that's how it goes.

    An Ian Anderson "sings the songs of Jethro Tull" revue, where Anderson re-envisioned deep JT catalog to suit his now quite limited vocal abilities...that might be interesting. But performing as "Jethro Tull" brings with it the perceived need to perform a certain core set of songs in a certain way that just isn't suited for Anderson anymore.

    And without Anderson, you don't have Jethro Tull, no matter how many other original or longtime members are present.
  13. nbakid2000

    nbakid2000 On Indie's Cutting Edge

    Springfield, MO
    Jethro Tull has pretty much been a walking corpse for years now.

    That said, I'm not excited about either tour....Ian with a shot voice and new people isn't what I want to see, and I sure don't want to see the old band doing old stuff without Ian.

  14. Pibroch

    Pibroch Active Member

    Dayton, OH
    I'm really sort of Living in the Past with most 70's bands. I mean, most people are Thick as a Brick and will Stand Up at any old concert they think will Benefit them, but the real Minstrel in the Gallery has A good handle on his Heavy Horses; This Was a really good band even up to a few years ago, but I guess they just couldn't keep it Under Wraps any longer, and the original band can't even be kept alive in an Aqualung.
  15. Lord Hawthorne

    Lord Hawthorne Currently Untitled

    Portland, Oregon
    Ian's singing is now severely limited, but he still has a pleasant speaking voice. Imagine him as Mr Conductor on "Shining Time Station/Thomas The Tank Engine".
  16. So is Martin the Fat Controller?
  17. Lpone

    Lpone Forum Resident

    Well done!
  18. Lord Hawthorne

    Lord Hawthorne Currently Untitled

    Portland, Oregon
    You have a Passion Play for words.
  19. jacksondownunda

    jacksondownunda Forum Resident

    I'd be up for giving Martin some time in the spotlight. Surely he must have some unique angles to show us in Tull music. If the band and arrangements can be passionate, sharp and imaginative enough it could be a surprisingly wonderous celebration of this beautiful musical legacy. I eagerly await early reports of his tour, and I really hope I don't hear the word "pedestrian'" used.
  20. john lennonist

    john lennonist There ONCE was a NOTE, PURE and EASY...

    Anything that (at long last) showcases Tull's "deep cuts" is welcome:

    How's about "With You There to Help Me," "Look Into the Sun" and "We Used to Know"?! :righton: :agree:
  21. Doctor Flang

    Doctor Flang Forum Resident

    Helsinki, Finland
    I saw Tull last summer and they were absolutely horrible. I'd rather go and hear a good Jethro Tull cover band - especially if Martin Barre and three other Tull members are in the line up!
  22. Dennis Metz

    Dennis Metz Born In A Motor City south of Detroit

    Fonthill, Ontario
    That's a fact!:cheers:
  23. masterbucket

    masterbucket Senior Member

    Georgia US
    I agree:righton:

    I sat and spoke with Martin,Noyce and Giddings at a wine bar after their show in 2002 and they were all very cordial.
    Hope to hear from Martin after the holidays about doing a question/answer thread on SH site.
    Tull shows were not the same after they were gone.
  24. TommyTunes

    TommyTunes Senior Member

    I saw them last year and I believe two years prior when they had the girl on violin. IMO and my sons the show with the violinist was one of the best shows I ever attended. Last years show not as much but still very enjoyable.
    There was a nice mix of old and new songs with even a few new unrecorded songs thrown in.
  25. I look forward to this positive (for the sake of Jethro Tull's legacy IMO) development, given, for instance, that Barre has always held "Benefit" in high esteem (and "Under Wraps" too, but that's a different story).

    At the moment it is supposed, for all I know, to be a keyboard-less gig focusing on the early years. I am a little puzzled as I wonder how many deep early catalogue pieces they will do after all. Who knows, maybe they will have a take at some of the early blues, Mick Abrahams-era pieces!

    Time to re-learn "Aqualung" in the gool old correct key, Martin? :O)
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