GRATEFUL DEAD Europe '72 box set: the music and sound discussion

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by rbbert, Sep 20, 2011.

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  1. rbbert

    rbbert Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Reno, NV, USA
    Since the other (now 2-part) thread on this box has been almost exclusively discussion about the trials and tribulations about actually being able to discuss the sound and music contained within, I thought we could have a new thread devoted primarily to just the music and sound.
  2. hbbfam

    hbbfam Forum Resident

    I am half way through #6 (Copenhagen) and I have yet to be disappointed. The sound is as good as any of their live releases IMO. What a "swan song" for Pigpen.
  3. superstar19

    superstar19 Authentic By Nature

    Canton, MI, USA
    There have been a few comments about too much mid-range in the mix. Not just specific shows, but in general. I'm pretty happy with the sound (made it to 5/7 so far), but when I get a chance I'm planning to do some eq'ing to my FLAC files. I don't have a good EQ system to use with my CD playback.
  4. Barnabas Collins

    Barnabas Collins Senior Member

    I don't have any real complaints about the SQ. I guess it's possible that the recordings have a mid-upper range boost, but nothing I find objectionable.
  5. FredCamp

    FredCamp Senior Member

    Agreed. I'm up to show #10 and have no complaints with the mastering. Overall, things seem to be fairly equal, yet each show has it's own sound. So, this set is purely about the performances. 1972 was truly a peak year for the Dead's artistry.

    And I'll add that I now have a new appreciation for Pig Pen. One great performance after another from him.

    Question: does Donna sound mixed down in these recordings, or was she just so new that she rarely hit those dying parrot moments we're used to?
  6. jackaroe

    jackaroe Active Member

    I've only listened to a couple shows, and it appears that Donna sits for most part of the first set.
  7. pbuzby

    pbuzby Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, US
    Donna had just joined prior to the tour so she only performed on a few songs, mainly the ones she had recorded on Bob's album Ace.
  8. parkmebike

    parkmebike I'm in love with a girl...

    I'm up to 4/26/72, everything sounds good so far to my ears. Has anyone done an A/B to Hundred Year Hall, Stepping Out or Rockin' The Rhein? I'd be curious to see if there are significant differences in sound, and will probably compare them once I get through the whole set. I recall Stepping Out as having mega low frequencies...not hearing it on these box set recordings.
  9. rbbert

    rbbert Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Reno, NV, USA
    cross-post from DNC:

    Without too much trouble I can A/B compare a non-HDCD decoded un-EQ'ed version (i.e., the way many people will be listening to this out of the box) with a decoded, equalized version. Same DAC.

    Given the amount of time and expense that went into the production of E72, there's no real excuse for the "standard" version to sound so much worse than the "remastered" version. They aren't even close, and those who say the box sounds "good" or "not bad" , NEED to make this comparison.
  10. rbbert

    rbbert Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Reno, NV, USA
    As far as the music goes, I am pleasantly surprised by 5/25/72, a very strong show.

    The 4/24 - 4/29 trifecta is simply outstanding.
  11. davmar77

    davmar77 I'd rather be drummin'...

    clifton park,ny
    that would make sense since most of the typical 2nd set songs at the time wouldn't include her.
  12. carledwards

    carledwards Forum Resident

    Overall, I like the sound just fine and I always listen with HDCD-capable players. The music is outstanding; I've yet to find a bad show and I'm about half-way through.
  13. JayB

    JayB Senior Member

    Agreed! 4/24 through 4/29 makes a nice "Germany 72" boxset!

    This is an amazing release all around. EVERY show is worth having IMO.
  14. jacksondownunda

    jacksondownunda Forum Resident

    With the announcement of individual show sales today, the audience for this thread just went way up, I'd imagine. I've had some of the standards for years like Dark Star at Empire Pool, Rotterdam, the Radio Luxembourg, the legit releases, etc.

    I'm looking forward to hearing and hearing about a few more 'unique' venue shows and would love feedback (keeping in mind one man's trash is another's treasure) on the performances;

    The 1st is Bickershaw Festival. Yup, rainy & sound problems (including a rawer sound and buzz you can hear on Steppin' Out), but it's been singled out by a pal that runs a Bickershaw website (he painstakingly edited/mixed a sbd/aud tape years back), and either Skulley or McNally described the 'vibe' created by bonfires and the bones beneath the peat rising to the seance. Blame the drugs for those bones, but how's the performance?

    Beat Club. No audience in studio (fishbowl Dead), so Hunter danced his solo **** off infront of them to give them atmosphere. I hear O1's pretty cool?

    The other thread had a pic of the cafeteria at Arhus(?) Uni in Denmark (what was with the disproportionate amount of Denmark gigs??). '72 GD peaking in a very very small room sounds intriguing. Anyone?

    Thanks in advance!
  15. JA Fant

    JA Fant Well-Known Member

    Thanks! for the comments guys.
  16. pbuzby

    pbuzby Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, US
    I listened to the Dark Star/Other One from the unofficial source you mention a few weeks back. Neither is my favorite from this tour but of course they are quite good.
  17. carledwards

    carledwards Forum Resident

    Show 8 has a truly great "Casey Jones." Talk about a relaxed groove!
  18. davmar77

    davmar77 I'd rather be drummin'...

    clifton park,ny
    these guys are good but they are no dark star orchestra!

  19. JimSmiley

    JimSmiley Team Blue Note

    So far....Bickershaw shows the biggest audio improvement among circulating shows..imo.
  20. shepherdfan

    shepherdfan Western European Socialist Music Lover

    Eugene, OR
    I guess I should continue my picking of the individual shows discussion over here instead of at the massive thread that I started when the box was first announced.
    My good friend I was telling you about shot me back an e-mail earlier this morning about what shows I should seriously consider getting that are not on previously released discs that the GD organization has put out already.
    Along with the May 11-Rotterdam that he tells me I absolutely need to have, he is recommending the April 8 Wembley Empire Pool, the May 7-Bickershaw Festival, the May 13-Lille Fairgrounds and the May 26-Strand Lyceum shows. He emphasized that a few of these shows have sections which were cut out of a few of the jams released on other official releases that I already have. Based on what I've been able to piece together so far, my eyes seem to be catching the May 11th Rotterdam and the May 13the Lille Fairgrounds shows.
  21. pbuzby

    pbuzby Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, US
    May 11 Rotterdam is great. Quite honestly May 13 Lille didn't strike me as being that great but I will be interested to see if someone argues otherwise.
  22. Lonson

    Lonson I'm in the kitchen with the Tombstone Blues

    I've only had the set since late yesterday morning. What a killer set!

    The second show in Wembley has really impressed me---right out of the gate they're very purposeful and energetic. Must feel rested and excited. Great music, great sound!
  23. carledwards

    carledwards Forum Resident

    I'm still savoring Show 8. Can't seem to move on right now! Man, it's just about everything one could want.
  24. rbbert

    rbbert Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Reno, NV, USA
    5/10 is amazing; those who haven't gotten there might want to skip ahead briefly.
  25. JayB

    JayB Senior Member

    Will do so..what are your favorite shows in the set (so far) Rob?
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