Do you have a favorite American Civil War album?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by CK Dexter Haven, Sep 2, 2011.

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  1. CK Dexter Haven

    CK Dexter Haven Member Thread Starter

    Selinsgrove, PA
    I went to Gettysburg yesterday and picked up a couple of cd's at the museum gift shop. I was wondering if any of you guys and girls listen to Civil War era music and if you have any recommendations. Thanks.
  2. Jimbo62

    Jimbo62 Forum Resident

    I love the 97th Regimental String Band. They have a website I'm sure. Saw them live lot's of years ago at some battle reenactments in Georgia. Very fine harmonies! I have 4 (?) of their cd's and like them all. In fact they are on youtube. Here's a sample:

    And no, I'm not in the band...I just like 'em!
  3. Texastoyz

    Texastoyz Forum Resident

    Texas, USA
    I just love the Ken Burns Civil War soundtrack.
  4. Greg1954

    Greg1954 New Member

    I would look through the catalog of Folkways / Smithsonian Folkways.

    Don't have any myself, relating to Civil War songs, but you very possibly might find gold there.
  5. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    This is awesome and it is audiophile quality as well.
  6. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

  7. Hey Vinyl Man

    Hey Vinyl Man Another bloody Yank down under...

    The Cumberland Three...I forget the name of the album, but I think it's something basic like "Songs of the Civil War". One of the Cumberland Three was John Stewart, who later joined the Kingston Trio and wrote "Daydream Believer".

    Bobby Horton is another favorite: he has half a dozen or so self-recorded albums, of Northern and Southern songs alike. (Horton is from Alabama, so the Southern songs are a bit better-performed...but then, much as I hate to admit it as an umpteenth-generation Yankee, the South did have better songs.) Horton's albums were sold at the gift-shops at all the battlefields back in the early nineties, no idea if they still are; but they're worth seeking out.
  8. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    When I was a kid many years ago I had a Tennessee Ernie Ford album of Civil War songs. I haven't thought of that album in over 45 years or more until I saw this thread. I wish I could remember the name of it.
  9. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

  10. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    Thanks for that link. That's the one.
  11. readandburn

    readandburn Active Member

    Vancouver, BC
    I like this Civil War song, does that count?
  12. Gentle Giant

    Gentle Giant Active Member

    Boston, MA
    I have a couple of old sets in storage and can't retrieve their names, but for more modern takes on the conflict, Songs of the Civil War, a sort of Ken Burns spin-off, features as a highlight Richie Havens doing a great version of Follow the Drinking Gourd.

    Also, there was a concept album released in the 70s featuring Eric Clapton, Waylon Jennings, and others called White Mansions that was pretty interesting. Strongly doubt this ever made it to CD.
  13. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

  14. Hey Vinyl Man

    Hey Vinyl Man Another bloody Yank down under...

    The mention of Ken Burns reminded me, Steve Tiltson's "Salvation is Such a Long Way to Go" from the Of Moor and Mesa album was inspired by Burns' Civil War documentary, and just might be the best Civil War song ever written.
  15. Gentle Giant

    Gentle Giant Active Member

    Boston, MA
  16. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    You're welcome
  17. Rocker

    Rocker Senior Member

    Ontario, Canada
    That was my first thought, too ;)
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