Dirt Cheap Box Sets Rush to this link NOW!!!

Discussion in 'Coupons, Discounts & Sales' started by kippy, Jul 12, 2011.

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  1. kippy

    kippy Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Chicago, IL, USA
  2. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA

    That Miles set for $224 is UNREAL!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!
  3. The Yo-Yo Ma set for $175 is way less than half of the best Amazon price and looks like the best deal to me but I haven't heard it and have no idea if there could be 90 CDs of mostly good music.
  4. gordolindsay

    gordolindsay Forum Resident

    Grand Rapids, MI
    Does anybody know if those Miles boxes have the metal spines on them???
  5. Scroller

    Scroller Hair Metal, Smooth Jazz, New Age...it's all good

    I was wondering that myself. It sure looks like it according to the pictures.
  6. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Yes, they do indeed.
  7. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    Well, the Miles set is ridiculous, and I would expect a very fast sell out. So either buy now or never complain.

    The box set is limited to 1955 copies. I wonder how many are left in the warehouse?

    The curious thing is that they offered this set before through this site, at $400 (almost twice the price) and they supposedly 'sold out".
  8. Cozzie

    Cozzie Forum Resident

    It's times like these I wish I could understand/appreciate the 'genius' of Miles Davis.
  9. ivan_wemple

    ivan_wemple Senior Member

  10. Atari265278

    Atari265278 Forum Resident

  11. HiredGoon

    HiredGoon Forum Resident


    Un-freakin'-believable! One Miles Davis box set ... ordered :righton:

    The amazing thing is that I was just thinking about getting some of these individual box sets. I was checking Amazon and Ebay last night, checking out which ones I wanted, checking out who was selling the metal spine sets, or whether I should opt for the cheaper long-box versions. And regretting that I had passed up the previous PopMarket deal of this set at $399.

    I was also jealous that a mate in Australia bought 6 of the metal spine boxes for $200 on Ebay. Now I am (hopefully) getting 8 metal spine boxes for just a bit more.

    Happy happy joy joy!

  12. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    I already own all of the metal spine Miles Davis boxes and I'm STILL thinking about buying that set. I'm secretly wishing for a sell-out soon so it can take the pressure off of me...
  13. Scroller

    Scroller Hair Metal, Smooth Jazz, New Age...it's all good

    It's times like these I wish I had a spare $225!!! :eek: :uhhuh:
  14. kippy

    kippy Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Chicago, IL, USA
    I just bought the Miles set and checked out via Amazon, and there was no sales tax added. Purchasing through Amazon gets me 3% back via my Amazon card. There is a 30 day return policy as well if I get buyers remorse.
  15. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    how in the hell do i check out?
  16. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Does anyone know if you can ALSO apply the FF2011 discount code to these orders, or is the TODAYMUSIC one the only you can use?

    Because if you can use both... WOWZA.
  17. kippy

    kippy Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Chicago, IL, USA

    You need to sign up for an account, and then go to your email and activate it.
  18. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Nevermind, it only let's you insert one code. Rats.
  19. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    I have all the sets, though not in metal-spine form. Still, I have all the discs and am trying to resist buying this box.

    EDIT: Resistance is futile. I bought it. I'll probably leave the sets sealed, but it's a nice item to have at that price.
  20. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Yeah, I'm about to buy it myself.

    Man, Amazon prices on that On The Corner set alone are more than they want for this thing...

    Edit: trigger=pulled. Just couldn't resist at that price.
  21. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    i am signed in and still cannot check out, WTF!
  22. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Weird. I had no troubles at all...
  23. Kym

    Kym Former Resident

    I had no troubles either.
    Thanks to Kippy for the heads up on this!
  24. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    Out of curiosity: Could you actually use the trumpet case as a trumpet case? Is it really made to quality specifications? I'll assume the mouthpiece could actually be used...?
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