Die Beatles: Going against the flow

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by NGeorge, Jul 26, 2009.

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  1. NGeorge

    NGeorge Forum Resident Thread Starter

    New York City
    Many members in these forums think Die Beatles, the German equivalent of Please Please Me, is better than the U.K. original. Is it?

    Not really.

    While Die Beatles does have a 'wow factor ' - smooth, has a wonderful soundstage and very musical, the original U.K. yellow and black Parlophone has a bigger 'wow factor.' The soundstage is wider, notes are fresher and more immediate. The presentation feels more open and free-range.

    I personally prefer the yellow and black album because it also has a certain 'rawness' to it, which I think is closer to the master tapes.


    Die Beatles
    Hor Zu
    SHZE 117-A-2
    SHZE 117-B-2

    Please Please Me
    Yellow & black Parlophone (large stereo)*
    YEX 94-1 1GM
    YEX 95-1 1L

    *The large stereo on the jacket, according to the seller, was used right after EMI changed the label from gold and black to yellow and black.

  2. gsmile

    gsmile Forum Resident

    I think this belongs in the unintentionally hilarious thread title thread. I read the subject title as a reaction to the massive amounts of Beatles themed threads popping up lately.
    Die Beatles indeed!:laugh:
  3. dgsinner

    dgsinner New Member

    Far East

    I have an EMI One Box stereo I'll have to locate and compare. What I do remember is the UK sounding terribly compressed as compared with Die Beatles. I remember the tonality of the UK not coming anywhere near Die Beatles -- to me, the UK sounded very flat and uninspiring by comparison. When I first heard a copy of Die Beatles (years before finding SH Forums -- I was collecting German Beatles LPs), I was very impressed.

    I know the one box may not be the equivalent of the early press you have, but I do recall the matrices indicating a tube cut...

    I'll be back.

  4. Fortune

    Fortune Senior Member

    Wow! You've heard the master tapes? Awesome! :laugh:

    Seriously, the whole point of the German -2 "Die Beatles" (to paraphrase Steve) is that it lacks the extra analogue compression and EQ of the British LP THUS making it sound more like the original master tape.

    So you've got it backwards:

    Die Beatles = sounds more like master tape (because it's from a 1:1 flat copy of the master)
    UK PPM = sounds like an EQed & compressed cutting tape dub.
  5. william shears

    william shears Senior Member

    new zealand
    Going against the flow to be found, some hours later, 968 nautical miles adrift out at sea, hypothermic and seconds away from a shark mauling....
  6. In addition to what Jason wrote, when it was first brought up on this Forum, it was a cost-effective way to get a really good-sounding pressing. The prices have gone up since then but it was a great deal for those who got in early.
  7. Don_S

    Don_S New Member

    Sacramento, CA
    Yes, I thought the same thing when I saw the title. I thought I had found a kindred spirit--another voice for moderation in all things Beatles. Another voice pleading enough with THE BEATLES!!! already. But alas, I expected too much. :shake: The toooo numerous B threads is one major reason why I seldom visit this forum. Die Beatles threads. :hide: Now I will go away for a couple more months.
  8. Raunchnroll

    Raunchnroll Senior Member

    Well they are different pressings. Die Beatles is as I understand, cut from an un-messed with copy tape from EMI, on a solid state neumann lathe around late 1970 or early '71. The original PPM -1 stereo is cut on a valve sourced lathe. So EQ issues aside here, there are bound to be sonic differences. I have both, and while the Die Beatles is amazing and clinically 'clean', I also think the UK original PPM has a great sound as well. Analog compression in this case isn't a bad thing, its what gives it that 'bite'.
  9. vinylman

    vinylman Senior Member

    Leeds, U.K.

    Please give us the name of the individual who holds a gun to your head and forces you to read the Beatles threads here.
  10. Trebor

    Trebor Forum Resident

    Chicago, IL, USA
    I've never been all that impressed with DIE BEATLES as well. If that is the master tape no wonder it's been EQ'd over and over. It is rather bland to me as well. I kind of like the first US CD pressing with the ADD misprint on the back (as opposed to AAD). That one for me is a nice sounding disc. Better than the other '87's I've had, including the Japanese pressing.
  11. yellowballoon

    yellowballoon Senior Member

    Your loss...LOL oh I wouldn't show up in 2 months though, that's when the mother load is being re-released, plus Rock Band.
  12. Die, Beatles, Die! (apologies to Hammer films)
  13. Raunchnroll

    Raunchnroll Senior Member

    So what is it lately? A thread starts out after a member raises a subject. But instead of acrimonious or mug clinking debate, the thread loses a wheel with a few posts and heads towards the ditch.
  14. gsmile

    gsmile Forum Resident

    My apologies, I thought the thread title was a bit humorous...I certainly didn't mean to threadcrap. I suppose if I didn't make the joke, someone else would have. Sorry folks! :hide:
  15. PhilCohen

    PhilCohen Forum Resident

    But, of course, "Die"(pronounced "dee") is the German word for "the".
  16. Randy W

    Randy W Original Member

    Welcome to the internet.
  17. NGeorge

    NGeorge Forum Resident Thread Starter

    New York City
    You know, I made a remark about the Sundazed Hollies CDs sounding like the master tapes a few days ago. I got a few snickers - like you. But guess what, Bob Irwin (who did the remastering) e-mailed and said he did use the master tapes for the Hollies CDs.

  18. gsmile

    gsmile Forum Resident

    "The Bart, The."
  19. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

  20. I probably listen to Die Beatles more than any other Beatles album. I think it sounds better than the Parlophone Please, Please me.
  21. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    Die Beatles and the y/b PPM have the same tape generation. The difference is Die Beatles is sourced from a flat 1:1 copy of the twin tracks and the y/b is from a copy of the twin tracks that has more EQ and compression.
  22. peter

    peter Senior Member

    This is an excellent description of the reality of the situation, understandable by all.

    My problem is I prefer the UK Y&B. The Die Beatles sounds lifeless to me. Glad to have both though. It makes understanding these concepts like EQ, compression, etc. much easier to understand when you can do a comp. and hear the diff.
  23. Tommyboy

    Tommyboy Senior Member

    New York
    Have fun then.
  24. Traxinet

    Traxinet Active Member

    Los Angeles
    "More EQ and compression" but not in a bad way. I've had the pleasure of hearing the Y&B and thought it sounded fantastic. Have not heard Die Beatles, though, so I'm one-sided.
  25. Tommyboy

    Tommyboy Senior Member

    New York
    I think you have a valid opinion in spite of the snide remarks. I too like the Y&B stereo PPM. I listen to it more than Die Beatles.
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