Just got two Steely Dan Nichols' remasters

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Nostaljack, Apr 21, 2007.

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  1. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    I picked up "Katy Lied" and "Aja" from the local Borders (the only place to go since Tower is no more) and I have to say I like them very much. Gone is the horrible "no noise" the permeats "Citizen Steely Dan". These have life in them. If anything, there might be slightly too much "high end" on "Aja" for my tastes but, overall, I really like these. Thanks for the suggestions concerning these I received in a previous thread. These purchases were well worth it.

  2. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    Are these the current versions?
  3. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Yeah, they are. They are the 1999 remasters.

  4. monewe

    monewe Forum Resident

    I sold most of mine. IMO you should try and get a listen to the originals for me it was like night and day (others will say different). The originals being cleaner.

    You will usually find some for sale on the marketplace link above.
  5. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Okay, I'll seek those out. To be honest, I never heard the original CD pressings. Thanks for the tip!

  6. serj

    serj Forum Resident

    I sold all current (1999) remasters & bought "Citizen Steely Dan". IMHO, this box sounds more natural. Remasters are hard for my ears:(
  7. quentincollins

    quentincollins Forum Word Nerd

    IS there actually NR on Citizen Steely Dan? I don't hear any artifacts. I'd assume that the reason it sounds so clean is because the recordings were clean to start with, and that the tapes were stored well. Steely Dan didn't f#$k around in the studio. Even the Nichols remasters sound very clean, albeit with lots of top end.
  8. Mr Sam

    Mr Sam "...don't look so good no more"

    I had the first cds (early 90's?), then upgraded(?) them with the box set, and finally the new remasters.
    The only thing that got lost to my ears, starting from the box set, was the full intro of "Rikki Don't Lose That Number": edited on the box set and not fixed on the new remasters.
  9. smilin ed

    smilin ed Senior Member

    Was that missing introduction from Rikki ever corrected?
  10. LesPaul666

    LesPaul666 Mr Markie - The Rock And Roll Snarkie

    New Jersey

    I don't think so. Maybe it was a CD timing issue, where they couldn't fit it?:confused:
  11. mrmaloof

    mrmaloof Active Member

    Yes, Rikki is correct on the latest remasters. Go ahead and search for the old versions if you are into the collecting thing. For music and gorgeous sound, you will be hard pressed to beat the 1999 remasters.

    - Joe
  12. Gary Freed

    Gary Freed Forum Resident

    The remasters are fine but the 1st CD releases sound smoother.
    audiomixer likes this.
  13. Ed Hughes

    Ed Hughes Senior Member

  14. El Bacho

    El Bacho Forum Resident

    Paris, France
    I'll keep the 1999 remasters just because of the new liner notes. One of the funniest things that's ever been printed in a CD booklet.
  15. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    But the treble is jack up too much on the Nichols remasters. It hurts for me to listen to them.

    MCA issued a best Of CD several months ago that sound better than what we've been getting in a decade. I wish someone would do a new set of remasters using this more mild EQ.
  16. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    The 45 version of Rikki... does not have the LP intro.
  17. yesstiles

    yesstiles Senior Member

    I usually don't mind bright cd's, but the remaster of "Countdown To Ecstacy" definitely grates on the ears. Are the others as bad as this one?
  18. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Correction: The CD comp to get with better SD sound is the Definitive Collection on Geffen. It's woefully lacking in the tracks department, but it's better than having to search out the old 1985 Decade CD.
  19. smilin ed

    smilin ed Senior Member

    Anyone know anything about the new compilation that's coming out later this year? Presumably this one will take 2VN and EMG into account...
  20. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Like El Bacho, I only have the '99 remasters for the liner notes. O.K., I am also a completist. I never listen to these discs because they are jacked up -- too bright. The original MCA discs (Japanese pressings) are far better in my opinion.

    I just got the Citizen Steely Dan box and will be interested to compare it to the original MCA discs.
  21. shokhead

    shokhead Head shok and you still don't what it is. HA!

    SoCal, Long Beach
    I belive the first cds were 78/79 or so on mca.
  22. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    If it sounds like the Definitive Collection I just mentioned, it will be a winner! Already, that Definitive Collection CD has allowed me to get rid of my MCA Ultimate Master Disc version of A Decade Of Steely Dan, mastered by Glenn Meadows, the same guy who did the boxed set.

    There is no mastering or comp producer listed on that Definitive Collection that I can see. Too bad, because they deserve praise for not screwing with the tapes for once!
  23. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Impossible! The CD didn't even come out until 1982.
  24. charlie W

    charlie W EMA Level 10

    Area Code 254
    why did you dump "Decade", Grant?
  25. shokhead

    shokhead Head shok and you still don't what it is. HA!

    SoCal, Long Beach
    Wow! I didnt care for the Definitive Collection and keep my decade of SD on mca but thats me and i've heard others say they liked the D Collection also.
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