Pink Floyd Animals 32DP_360 or 28DP_5006

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by pablo, Mar 10, 2007.

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  1. pablo

    pablo Forum Resident Thread Starter

    NE, USA
    I've been thinking aboout adding Pink Floyd's Animals to my PF library. When it came out, back in the day, I wasn't "in the mood" for its point of view (little did I know "The Wall" was on the horizon.) However, ""Sheep" has held up pretty well.

    So I'd like to get a good mastering of Animals to explore it more.

    I know that the 1st Japanese pressing 32DP is considered a good on this forum, as is the Doug Sax remaster. However, there is another Japanese pressing - 28DP 5006. Which mastering is this?

    28DP is listed on, whereas 32DP is not. Is 28DP a typo?
  2. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    The 28DP is definitely the second Japanese issue. I've never heard any of the 28DP Floyd discs, but the 32DP Animals disc is great. If the 28DP disc has the same mastering, it might be a cheaper way to get this excellent mastering.
  3. Evan

    Evan Senior Member

    I have the 28DP. Sounds pretty good to me. Never heard the 32DP though, so who knows?
  4. OE3

    OE3 Senior Member


    i scored a 32DP today and compared to the 1994 Doug Sax remaster a few minutes ago. the differences are noticeable. the Japanese edition has a warm analog sound with more natural decay to the acoustic guitar on 'Pigs on the Wing (Part One)'. the Sax remaster is good, excellent even, however the soundstage is a little more 'forward' and it sounds less lifelike, for whatever reason(s). i prefer the 32DP. although i doubt that the orig. master tape was flown to Japan for the first digital edition ('86.3.31' on tray art), it's clear after a thorough listen that an EQd-for-vinyl dub was not the source. it's too good.
  5. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Great score, Eddie. The 32DP disc is excellent. Fortunately, it isn't extremely rare either.
  6. fumi

    fumi Forum Resident

    United Kingdom
    I have the 32DP & the 28DP 5006. Initially, they sound very similar, but after repeated listening, the 32DP is the way to go. It`s a little like the difference between the `TO` and `NON TO` editions of DSOTM.

    A small (but noticeable difference) in my opinion.

    New avatar incoming...
  7. ivan_wemple

    ivan_wemple Senior Member

    ... Not too shabby. Well done.
  8. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    This is obviously qualititave, but I found the difference between the "TO" and "non-TO" versions of Dark Side of the Moon to be significant. The non-TO version sounds warm and natural. Plenty of body and depth. Just right. The TO disc is louder, fatiguing, and harsh by comparison. Just my $0.02. :)
  9. pablo

    pablo Forum Resident Thread Starter

    NE, USA
    >>>The TO version sounds warm and natural. Plenty of body and depth. Just right. The non-TO disc is louder, fatiguing, and harsh by comparison.<<<

    Are you sure about that? I thought the consensus was just the opposite.
  10. leopoldstotch

    leopoldstotch New Member

    Phila. Pa USA
    I'm sure the consensus is that the non TO is the one to have. But remember we all hear differently and I've heard others say that they like the TO versions, so it's all in what you like!
  11. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    I got it changed around in my earlier post. Yes, the non-TO disc is the better of the two. The TO disc sounds loud, harsh, fatiguing, etc. The non-TO disc sounds natural and warm.
  12. I was just about to post a similar comment Keith. Thanks for doing it for me. :) :righton: :wave:
  13. audiospirit

    audiospirit Active Member

    Difference between DSOTM non -to and with-to is strong,not little or noticeable.Black Triangle version with-TO is one of me most horrible (if not the most) horrible mastering for DSOTM.

    I just purchased 28DP 5006 ,will compare it with UK CDP issue (which sounds very good for my ears) when I will receive 28DP.
  14. Black Elk

    Black Elk Music Lover

    Bay Area, U.S.A.
    What we know so far is:

    32DP 360 = 28DP 5006 = CSCS 6042 = CK 34474 = CDCBS 81861

    EAC levels = 60.2 / 80.4 / 71.4 / 74.6 / 41.9 for all of above

    Canadian Columbia pressing VCK 34474 contains the same mastering but is level-shifted down by 0.2 dB.

    Pick any one if you want to hear that mastering.
  15. audiospirit

    audiospirit Active Member

    I received 28DP 5006 ,outstanding sound,best for album. I don't know if 32DP sounding better,but this one outperforms CDP EMI UK ,which is also very good.
  16. audiospirit

    audiospirit Active Member


    For my ears this cd (28DP 5006) sounding better than UK vinyl,which I also own.
  17. rburly

    rburly Sitting comfortably with Item 9

    IMO, the 32DP is the better sounding of the two.
  18. audiospirit

    audiospirit Active Member

    Very possible. If mastering for 32DP & 28DP is same,difference suppose to be not significant.But it can be.
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