Quad, revisited

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by markbrow, Jun 12, 2010.

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  1. markbrow

    markbrow Forum President Thread Starter

  2. 8tracks

    8tracks Forum Addict

    San Diego, CA USA
    That was an interesting article. Thanks for posting.

    I was a bit reminded of finding this Billboard Issue from August, 1975 spotlighting quad. I thought that was exactly about the time the format died, yet the top cover story contains the headline " 'Q' Discs/Tapes Show Chart Rise".
  3. markbrow

    markbrow Forum President Thread Starter

    Missed that article, thanks for the link!
  4. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    Nice article, especially for the unitiated...

    I am glad my quad quest started several years before eBay...I managed to snarf up a lot of cool stuff cheap before the revival!
  5. markbrow

    markbrow Forum President Thread Starter

    PM me, kwadguy!
  6. Lord Hawthorne

    Lord Hawthorne Currently Untitled

    Portland, Oregon
    The 1980s were the time to buy quad stuff, lots of tapes and LPs in the cut-out bins, still sealed, lots of barely-used gear, too.
  7. zebop

    zebop Well Known Stranger

    Great read. Very cool that the alternate takes were mentioned, that's why I seek a lot of albums.
  8. markbrow

    markbrow Forum President Thread Starter

    I like the alt takes too, but some albums just come so alive in quad -- S&G's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and Art Garfunkel's "Breakaway" are two particular favorites.
  9. dmt

    dmt Forum Resident

    Cypress, CA
    Thanks for including me in that article!
  10. markbrow

    markbrow Forum President Thread Starter

    I didn't know I did, but you're welcome!
  11. DiscoKat

    DiscoKat New Member

    Interesting that the article mentions "a pair" of ZZTop Quads. Fandango was announced in a catalog (as "Here Comes Fandango") but never materialized.
  12. quicksrt

    quicksrt Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    I also started my Q quest long before ebay. By some of the elusive ones, at least elusive in NM condition, I finally obtained once ebay came along.

    Sly - Hits $14.99 NM, TYA - Space NM $5.99, as well as some more common ones found still sealed on the bay just to see if they had that 3D sound in stereo playback. Ebay was a godsend for me, and my Q collection.

    I just got Aerosmith - Get Your Wings in Q 6 weeks ago, been wanting that one for decades, $22 NM. There are a few more I need still.
  13. fldveloce

    fldveloce the moon was a drip on a dark hood

    Boston MA
    Thanks -- it's always good to read of quad software and hardware. I still pick up quad discs if I don't have (and like) the title. Not that many that I'm still looking for.

    I had a listening party with a college friend recently (we were still in school when quad was sputtering along). Played a couple of the Firesign Theatre's quad LPs (Bozos and Everything You Know is Wrong) with a modern decoder (Cantares) and they were amazing -- seemingly silent surfaces, great localization, and transportation to another soundspace.

    Ok, here's a value-add: WXRT FM in Chicago did a series of live shows called the "Unconcert" back in the '70s (later too I guess, but I was gone), and all of the shows that they produced from local performances were recorded and broadcast in SQ quad. Sony produced a quad encoder for radio station use...

  14. xman

    xman Active Member

    Los Angeles, CA
  15. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    So did Sansui (for QS). I have a Sony SQE-2000 (SQ encoder) and a Sansui QSE (QS) encoder...as well as the Tate/Fosgate 101A and QSD-1000 decoders that any true Quad fan has...
  16. Jeff56

    Jeff56 Forum Resident

    Ontario, Canada
    I picked up the quad of Janis Joplin's Pearl album on the weekend... what a GREAT sounding record :)
  17. tommy-thewho

    tommy-thewho Senior Member

    detroit, mi
    I had a quad Machine Head that I really enjoyed the sound of... Thanks for the link...
  18. I bought a quad vinyl pressing of Barbara Joan Streisand (featuring Fanny)
    just this Sunday. Can't wait to hear it, as I am a huge Fanny fan.
  19. joelee

    joelee Hyperactive!

    Great article Mark.
  20. JonUrban

    JonUrban SHF Member #497

    I remember going to places like Zayers, Woolco, K-Mart and a few others that would have rows and rows of cut-out 8 tracks, usually spotlighted in the Sunday ads. Searching for Q8's in those bins became an "mission" that often resulted in many prize catches.
  21. AudiophilePhil

    AudiophilePhil Senior Member

    San Diego, CA
    Great article Mark!

    I hope Rhino Handmade will re-issue more quad mix.
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