Do people still buy albums blind (without hearing them first)?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Turnaround, Aug 27, 2009.

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  1. Turnaround

    Turnaround Senior Member Thread Starter

    With youtube, myspace, iTunes these days, do people still buy albums blind (without hearing them first)?

    I remember a time, not so long ago, when you would read a positive review of an album, and have to take a chance on buying the album blind. If it wasn't on the radio or MTV, and you didn't know anyone with a copy, you were not likely to hear any of the music before buying it. If you were lucky, your local record store might have an open copy that they would play for you.
  2. Pug

    Pug The Prodigal Snob Returns!

    Near Music Direct
    I still do. I tend to pick up albums that my friends recommend to me or I read about online.
  3. bobm

    bobm New Member

    I still buy CD's blind...or at least read a review and buy on the strength of it. Not like the 70's & 80's when I'd buy on the strength of the lp cover art!
  4. Scott in DC

    Scott in DC Forum Resident

    Washington, DC
    Blind Buying

    I still do. I think that LP and CD buying by the non-audiophile public (i.e. most people) is probably declining in these days of downloading. It is probably the more serious music buyers like those on the SH forums who buy albums without necessarily knowing the music or artist first.

  5. I still do it regularly, though not as much as I used to before the days of audio samples on the Internet. It is not a practice I use for pricey items, but mainly for used albums on clearance.
  6. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member

    Northeast OH
    I do if it's not too pricey.

    Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

    Usually I win. :thumbsup:
  7. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    I do this for acts I know I like. In fact, I actively avoid hearing anything from new albums until I buy them. For instance, I know the new Pearl Jam album can be heard pretty easily, but I'm not interested in "previewing" it. I can wait until I own it...
  8. Same here. In fact, as noted in the other thread on this subject, I just bought an album sound-unheard based on reviews and informed raves. Oddly, sometimes I find that I can trust informed opinion more than my own ears! I've been suckered in by strong hooks or a couple of good songs before, only to end up with albums whose appeal quickly faded or were only good for the single. Sometimes truly excellent albums are ones that don't reveal their worth on an initial listen or by just checking out a track or two online.
  9. dwmann

    dwmann Well-Known Member

    Houston TX
    I do. All the time. Bought Sgt. Pepper by Cheap Trick yesterday. Pretty good.
  10. omom

    omom Forum Resident

    Ohio, USA
    I still buy blind, always will. It's getting harder in my area as there are few record shops and our local FYE and BB have horrible selections (unless you are into hip-hop). Had to go to Cleveland for work a couple of weeks ago and stopped in a small record shop in Brunswick and picked up The Answer on a blind buy. I've been playing it in heavy rotation ever since.
  11. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member

    Northeast OH
    Record shop in Brunswick? Where?
  12. seed_drill

    seed_drill Senior Member

    Tryon, NC, USA
    I never "check out" albums online first. I buy them because I'm familiar with the artist, I liked a performance I saw on SNL (which is sort of like checking them out), I read an intriguing review, or I get a wild hare up my ****. The latter is usually reserved for vintage used vinyl that looks promising.
  13. ShawnMcCann

    ShawnMcCann A Still Tongue Makes A Happy Life

    The Village
    Yes. Discovered some of my favorite albums this way.
  14. I can't think of an album I haven't bought more or less blind in several years. You win some and you lose some.
  15. Scott57

    Scott57 Forum Resident

    Back in the golden days of vinyl I use to do it all the time - many times without anything to go by except what was on the cover. No so much anymore.
  16. Chris Schoen

    Chris Schoen Rock 'n Roll !!!

    Maryland, U.S.A.
    I will buy a used (good condition) album if it looks interesting, or I have read a reveiw that
    seems favorable.
  17. TSmithPage

    TSmithPage Ex Post Facto Member

    Lexington, KY
    Virtually every one I buy (unless it's a remaster or reissue) I buy blind. Mostly, I buy new releases of artists I already own so it's not that risky. Plus, I'm buying a lot of SACDs, and there I'm after sound quality in most instances. I bought the entire series of Living Stereo SACDs (54) and hadn't heard a note from any of them, but know what to expect.

    On those occasions when I buy something from someone I'm unfamiliar with (this week's new release by Imogean Heap) I check out youtube first to make sure I'll like them.
  18. mrt2

    mrt2 Active Member

    Milwaukee, WI, USA
    Sure do. I buy a lot of used cds, and some shops don't have a listening station any more like they used to 10 or 15 years ago. So if I see something you might like, I buy it, especially at today's relatively cheap prices.
  19. on7green

    on7green Senior Patron

    NY & TN
    People do. Look at the Beatles remaster threads. Box sets selling out at pre-order.
  20. gener8tr

    gener8tr Senior Member

    Vancouver, WA USA
    I buy A LOT of late 70's AOR from nothing more than a review, or even an album cover.

    I have been treated right so many times that dropping $2.50 is well-worth the gamble.
  21. Guy E

    Guy E Senior Member

    Antalya, Türkiye
    I would say that the majority of my purchases are "blind." And when they're not they're usually rebuys.

    Part of this is a failure to break old habits; buying on the basis of reviews, recommendations from friends or the general "buzz" about a new artist... that's the way I did it for decades. I can't remember ever buying a CD because I liked what I heard at a listening station (back when Tower and Virgin were still around) and I find the low-rez sonic snippets on Amazon annoying. Sure, they give you a taste and I might realize that a singer's voice is a dealbreaker or something, but I just don't check things out online very often. Same with YouTube... not my bag.

    I buy albums by artists that I know and support without hearing them - I do that all the time. And I should point out that I buy a lot more used CD's than new so I'm usually only gambling $5.00 to $8.00 a shot. Sometimes a producer or label affiliation is enough to pique my interest, often wtih excellent results.

    I always know something about the album I'm springing for so I'm making an educated guess even if I'm not a fully-informed consumer.
  22. mrt2

    mrt2 Active Member

    Milwaukee, WI, USA
    One more thought on this. I buy a lot of jazz cds, and it is really hard to tell from a short clip if it works or not. By now, I pretty much know all the really famous jazz dates, so something relatively obscure is kind of a mystery.

    Usually a quick glance at AMG, and looking at the year of the release, the label, and the sidemen gives me a pretty good idea of the style or genre of jazz. whether it is a average blowing date, a good to great (but somewhat obscure0 session, or a hidden masterpiece is something that is hard to tell without listening critically on my main system.
  23. omom

    omom Forum Resident

    Ohio, USA
    Sound Of Music. It's on Rt. 42 not far off the main drag(Rt 3, I think?). Tucked away in a plaza, it's been there forever. I remember going there in the late 80's and renting bootleg concert video tapes.

    I only get over that way once a year or so, I was surprised it was still open. Some new and quite a bit of used stuff. I usually find a couple of things on my yearly visit. I suggest the Buckeye Lounge for a post-shopping beer. Right across the street, it's a decent little old-man type dive and the regulars are social.
  24. CybrKhatru

    CybrKhatru Music is life.

    Los Angeles
    Occasionally, as long as it's not too expensive.

    Usually I'll try to get a taste of an album via YouTube or various samples before I'll go for it.
  25. This is true of other genres as well.
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