The mono Beatles box set thread *

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by PaulKTF, Jul 16, 2009.

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  1. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA

    Nope, at least not right away. I suppose they might turn up later, but nothing has been said to suggest that.
  2. zen

    zen Senior Member

    I can't avoid the mono set, because I grew up hearing all those albums from 1963 to 1968, even including the White Album which my grandmother brought over from the U.K., and of course, Abbey Road and Let it Be will be essential stereo remasters.
  3. Thanks all. I really wanted to get a mono Pepper and Revolver. I have the EP collection and consequently a good chunk of their pre-revolver mono mixes.
  4. Evan L

    Evan L Beatologist

    I agree with the OP 100%. Why?

    1)$300 is out of my price range
    2)I have the mono versions already
    3)I like to piss off mono purists :winkgrin:

    StrayCat likes this.
  5. Pug

    Pug The Prodigal Snob Returns!

    Near Music Direct
    You're waiting for a duophonic box, aren't you?

  6. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)


    Then you have choosen a rather silly one to look at, IMO you should look in some of the more informative ones:wave:
  7. oxenholme

    oxenholme Senile member

    Now there's an excellent idea! :thumbsup:
  8. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada

    Mono sounds to me like a college radio station with bad equipment played through a lousy system. It's small, congested, and cluttered. It's only "punchy" because all the music is fighting for sonic space and crowded together shouting to get out. The basics laws of physics dictate that sounds combined result in some frequencies/waves cancelling each other out, others reinforcing each other and with a lot of comb filtering for lot of the in-between stuff. Yes, those early Beatles mixes sound wonky at times. Heck even the later stuff was hard panned at times, but every little bit of separation helps the listener hear the space in the music much better. The mono mixes sound ok to me coming from a cheap Radio Shack grade table radio with a 3"-inch speaker (That goes for all the other mono sacred cows like Pet Sounds. I don't give a S@#$ if Brian mixed it that way. He was DEAF in one ear! the music is diminished because of this.). Put it through a large stereo, a car stereo or headphones and it sucks!

    As for the whole notion of the mono mixes being the only Beatle-approved mixes, Martin-approved mixes, etc. It's a load of bollocks. If you like the mono mixes because of their sound, then fine, go for it. To each his own. YMMV and all that. If you're just telling yourself they must be better because the Beatles approved them, etc., that's pretty sad. Ron's post above reiterates points I've read several times. Any Beatles or Martin preference for the mono mixes is pretty much after the fact, revisionist nonsense. It's a myth. Get over it. Move on. You have two ears for a reason. Use them!
    StrayCat likes this.
  9. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    The market isn't there.
  10. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    Mono is great if you only have one ear! It serves a purpose:)
  11. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    True. It worked for Brian Wilson.
  12. PaulKTF

    PaulKTF Senior Member Thread Starter

    Mono- Van Gogh approved!

  13. evanft

    evanft Forum Resident

    Taylor, MI, USA

    Yeah, it's $300. Uh-huh.
  14. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    It all depends what he put in the pipe!
  15. mark f.

    mark f. Senior Member

    If mono is for people with one ear is quad for people with 4 ears or surround for people with 6 (or more) ears? :confused:
  16. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    I dunno. Do any of your friends have six ears?
  17. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Dude, your soapbox is embarrassing. Give it a rest.
  18. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    Hey, I didn't start the thread. I'm just adding my comments. Sorry if you don't approve of them.
  19. PhilBiker

    PhilBiker member number 666

    Northern VA, USA
    I just pre-ordered the mono box. I'm not any kind of a golden eared audiophile, nor am I OCD about having the "absolute best version available", so I'll probably not replace the hodgepodge of 1987 CDs and needledrops that I use to enjoy the original stereo albums.

    I ordered the mono box because, as far as I'm concerned, (other than the first four albums which are already in mono) they represent new mixes that I've never heard before (except a few singles and Pepper, which I spent too much money on for a mono vinyl).

    Alternate mixes that I've never heard before of Beatles songs? Where do I sign up?

    I'm curious about the alternate Help! and Rubber Soul stereo mixes.

    I hope the mono box set has the "mini-documentaries" for the albums because I'm not planning on buying the stereo box set, at least not initially.
  20. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host


    Invalidating 70 years of recorded music because it commits the sin of being in monaural would never get my approval or the approval of any true music lover. You could be on the wrong Forum, yes?
  21. The overseas price is up there according to the 2nd Beatles thread I looked at recently.:winkgrin:
  22. AHSLong

    AHSLong New Member

    New York, NY USA
    You are not alone...I detest mono Beatles. I've posted several times. No way. The Beatles rarely attendedany mixing sessions, mono or stereo, so that argument is out. You are absolutely right. I'm so anticipating especially the first for albums. The fixation on the Forum for mono is confounding. Bravo to you for speaking your mind.


  23. Stefan

    Stefan Senior Member

    Montreal, Canada
    I didn't invalidate anything, I just said I personally don't like to listen to it and expressed a preference for the stereo Beatles mixes, one IIRC, I've seen you voice on occasion here.
  24. mark f.

    mark f. Senior Member

    Oh snap!
  25. Gary Freed

    Gary Freed Forum Resident

    I will be buying but have no plans to buy the Mono vs Stereo. I'll make a decision after the reviews are out.
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