Where to start with the Kinks?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by WPLJ, Dec 23, 2008.

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  1. WPLJ

    WPLJ Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I apologize for not doing a search, but it is nearly my bedtime :)D) and I just had a quick question ... Knowing virtually nothing about them, other than the huge hits (Really Got Me, Lola), where does one start with the Kinks? Is there a good (and good sounding) single disc comp to recommend? I would prefer to start with a good comp to get an overview of either a peak period or their whole career. So ... what can you guys recommend? Thanks in advance ... and Happy Xmas! :righton:
  2. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    ...the 2 disc Kinks Ultimate Collection is a nice sounding collection.
    Merry Christmas to you as well...

    Attached Files:

  3. levi

    levi Can't Stand Up For Falling Down In Memoriam

    North Carolina
    Probably Kink Kronikles for a good overview of singles between 1963 and 1972. It didn't take Ray Davies long to start focusing on smart concept albums though, and (for me, at least) that's where the real treasures lie.

  4. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    I second "Kronikles" as a good introduction...
  5. kevinsinnott

    kevinsinnott Forum Coffeeologist

    Chicago, IL USA


    Lola verus the Powerman
    Village Green Preservation Society
    Preservation Act !
    Muswell Hillbillies

    You're in for a treat. The Kinks are one of the treasures of 60s and 70s.

    Merry Christmas!
  6. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Woof - except for "VGPS", I wouldn't agree with those. I think "Arthur", "Something Else" and "Face to Face" are far superior. Honestly, I've always thought "Lola" was mediocre, and the other two SUB-mediocre... :shrug:
  7. Jay F

    Jay F New Member

    Pittsburgh, PA
    Face to Face is my favorite. The best versions are mono Pye LPs.
  8. eelkiller

    eelkiller One of the great unwashed

    Northern Ontario
    The Ultimate Collection covers more ground than Kronikles as far as labels go so I recommend starting with that one.
  9. cwitt1980

    cwitt1980 Senior Member

    Carbondale, IL USA
    Arf --- I have turned on more people with Muswell Hillbillies than any other Kinks album. As much as the others are far more favorites of mine... it feels like people can get thrown back by them. They are little holes you put yourself in while listening, whereas something along the lines of Lola v. Powerman and Muswell Hillbillies can be a bit more universal. They're good for parties. Well... my parties.

    As far as compilations, the two mentioned above work well. Kronikles is good for showing you what else they were capable of besides the hits (with the exception of Lola).
  10. levi

    levi Can't Stand Up For Falling Down In Memoriam

    North Carolina
    Great post. Have any of the Muswell Hillbillies songs even made a comp? That album is classic from start to finish.

  11. Matt I

    Matt I Forum Resident

    How about A live album? I really like One For The Road.
  12. Matthew B.

    Matthew B. Scream Quietly

    Tokyo, Japan
    One more vote for Sanctuary's The Ultimate Collection — a wide overview of their '60s material, with a smattering of later tracks. The Kink Kronikles might be a stronger set song for song, but it doesn't include any of their crucial material from 1964 or 1965. And The Ultimate Collection has better sound.
  13. GregorSamsa

    GregorSamsa Forum Resident

    It doesn't matter because you're more interested in a comp, but Village Green Preservation Society is a great starter album. Its got at least one of their best known songs (Picture Book) and is really good the whole way through.
  14. Todber

    Todber Active Member

    Hampshire UK
    'Village Green' was my starting point too. Every song is a gem.

    OK, if you're just interested in just the singles, by all means, go the comps route, but Ray Davies wrote so many ace tunes you my well be missing out if you do.

    Something Else, Arthur, Muswell Hillbillies and Face to Face are all good starting points as well.
  15. Mike Dow

    Mike Dow I kind of like the music

    Bangor, Maine
    My love for The Kinks began with two compilations purchased in the
    70's... "The Golden Hour of The Kinks" and "The Kinks Kronikles." I'll always have a soft soft for "Kronikles" but I agree that "Ultimate Collection" is a better starting point. It offers a much more comprehensive track lineup and better sound.
  16. antonkk

    antonkk Senior Member

    Muswell Hillbillies is of course their by far best album but it's not for beginners. I learned to appretiate it years after I became a Kinks fan. Now you definetely need a good comp that cover both 60's AND 70's-80's period. Some of Ray's best songs are on the later day albums. I became a convert by simply watching an 80's VHS with 64-84 promos and listening to two Greatest Hits cassetes with Vol 1 60's stuff and Vol 2 70's-80's. Another fine idea is 1994's To the Bone live album. One of the greatest live albums ever with quite a few songs blowing away their studio versions. Most of their best stuff is there.
  17. Mike Dow

    Mike Dow I kind of like the music

    Bangor, Maine
    "Muswell Hillbillies" is a great album but..."is of course their by far best?" I disagree with that.

    I would agree with this statement..."Muswell Hillibillies" is, of course, antonkk's favorite Kinks album." I also agree that it's best appreciated after you have absorbed much of the catalog first.
  18. Paul G

    Paul G Senior Member

    New York, NY, USA
    Kronikles covers only 1966-1971. It is a great compilaion.

  19. rdnzl

    rdnzl Forum Resident

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Either the "Ultimate Collection" or (if you want to start with a REAL comprehensive overview) the new 6CD box set "Picture Book".
  20. louisville

    louisville Peel Slowly and See

    Louisville, KY
    Yep - this would be the best for a quick career overview.

    Kronikles is classic, but the focus is too narrow - it misses the early hits, and cuts off prior to the RCA years.
  21. keef00

    keef00 Senior Member

    Agree on Ultimate Collection, it's a great overview, the sound is decent, and there are 40+ tracks. Of course, if we all pull off that $16.49 scam for Picture Book, that would have to be the choice.
  22. rdnzl

    rdnzl Forum Resident

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Yes, that would be a ridiculous low price. I already had bought "Picture Book" here in Germany for about 40 euros (which is also quite fair in my opinion), but I couldn't resist ordering another one for $16.49 :D.
  23. stereoptic

    stereoptic Anaglyphic GORT Staff

    I recommend the 2CD Ultimate Collection as well. Then try the "Celluloid Heroes" for a onde CD compilation of the RCA years, and "Come Dancing with the Kinks: The Best of the Kinks 1977-1986" for the Arista years.
  24. louisville

    louisville Peel Slowly and See

    Louisville, KY
    This is the best advice so far, though Come Dancing covers the Arista years :shh: .
  25. tspit74

    tspit74 Senior Member

    Woodridge, IL, USA
    My entry point was A Soap Opera, believe it or not. Muswell Hillbillies hasn't really clicked with me yet. My favorites are A Soap Opera, Preservation Act 1, Arthur, and Give the People What They Want.
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