Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by captainsolo, Oct 12, 2011.

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  1. captainsolo

    captainsolo Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Murfreesboro, TN
    Just re-watched this for the first time in ages. Still really holds up well even if you don't think about the speculated Red Scare/Communist symbolism.
    A definite classic, and one of those American B-movie gems.

    The Republic DVD wasn't as bad as I remembered, but I was reminded of all the little things that bothered me about the presentation and theatrical cut.

    Is it ever possible for this film to get the treatment it deserves? Such as the original cut in original ratio and not SuperScope? I had always wanted to do a fan edit that removed the studio imposed opening and closing to get back to the original ending, which IMO is one of the great ones. But the problem was always trying to get around the heavy handed narration that was then added to make the cut work. (The narration with the wonderful "I didn't know what true horror was until I kissed her." line. Ugh.) The SuperScope (2.1:1) image has never looked right, and I'm sorry to say that the DVD included Academy version is just a pan n scan of it.

    After doing some digging, it appears Paramount struck a new print in 2005 for a Don Siegel retrospective and claimed the OCN was lost. Some have claimed to have seen the original version, but no one's ever really gone into any detail about a possible restoration.

    Also, was this shot ever actually in the movie? I first saw it as a kid when leafing through an old tome of horror film history and still look for it every time I see the film. Great shot.

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  2. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    I stood on that exact spot a few years ago. Sierra Madre.. That shot was not in the film.
  3. Indy500

    Indy500 Forum Resident

    Rural Oklahoma
    Criterion did a laser disc of it. Would love to see them do a dvd. I doubt the original flat negative survives but who knows.
  4. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    One of the rare instances where both the original and the remake (1978) are equally great in their one ways.
  5. benjaminhuf

    benjaminhuf Forum Resident

    So true....Hope they do a restored blu of the original.
  6. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    I was in the room at Telecine 2 at Complete Post when we did the remastering for Criterion on Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the 1980s; I believe the colorist on that one was Gary Barron, a fine gentleman who does great work. (I also did some fixes on the original transfer, but only pieces.)

    The original negative was long gone, even in the late 1980s. We worked with SuperScope finegrain B&W prints, and my memory is that it was a weird, slightly-matted anamorphic format at 2:1. What you saw was what was on the film.

    No doubt, if it were done again a year from now, maybe they could scan four or five B&W prints at 4K and pick the best shots and scenes from each one, then assemble together a pristine version. But it'd take a whole lotta time and a lotta spendin' money.
  7. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    The negs are at WB in the Allied Artists/Monogram/PRC batch.
  8. Skip Reynolds

    Skip Reynolds Legend In His Own Mind

    Moscow, Idaho

    That extreme close-up moment when Miles realizes that Becky has changed is one of the greatest moments in horror movie history.
  9. Steve D.

    Steve D. Forum Resident


    While most of the town scenes were shot in Sierra Madre, I believe this shot, and the final chase through the hills into the cave, were shot in the Hollywood Hills at the top of Beachwood Drive. That's Beachwood Village in the background of the shot. About a mile from where I live.

    -Steve D.
  10. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    I bet they were at some point. But a ton of stuff has slipped through the cracks over the years. My memory is that the mag track on Body Snatchers was also gone, and they had to work from the comp optical.

    "You're next! YOU'RE NEXT!"
  11. MLutthans

    MLutthans That's my spaghetti, Chewbacca! Staff

    Agreed! This (as you likely know) was not shot with Superscope in mind, but later "converted" to Superscope by cropping out a big chunk of the height of the image. I'd love to see in its original academy format as it appears on the camera negs. (To my knowledge, it was never publicly screened in anything other than SuperScope.)

  12. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Yes, indeed! & the Bronson caves, etc. Went all over, on a mission to lick the dirt of all the locations of that movie. Why, can't say anymore. Something came over me!
  13. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Yikes. How could something slip out of Warners? Unless they just trashed it. Well, it was there in 1990.. RIP.

    Wait, maybe I'm thinking THE INVASION OF THE BOOTY SNATCHERS.
  14. carledwards

    carledwards Forum Resident

    Cool film. Love the Peckinpah cameo.
  15. Damiano54

    Damiano54 Senior Member

  16. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    SH Forums member Steve D. snapped this shot for us up Beachwood Drive.

    He writes:


    On my way home this morning I drove up Beachwood to the village and snapped several photos. This one is taken from about the same location as the b&w still from the 1956 film. There is now a large tree at the corner, but you can make out the building with the three windows and the old lamp post on the left still remains. The Texaco station is long gone and a market now stands at that location. Many trees now obscure the houses in the background of the original photo. I believe the white house on the upper right can be seen in the original photo.

    Best regards,
    Steve D.

    Attached Files:

  17. jsayers

    jsayers Just Drifting....

    Horse Shoe, NC
    Thanks for those two pics. It's fascinating to see how things change yet some things don't. I notice they put up a stop sign on the right, there. I'll bet that intersection was fun before!
  18. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Yes, I love seeing filming locations. Imagine they had to block traffic to film that scene all those years ago.
  19. Damiano54

    Damiano54 Senior Member

    I thought this was pretty witty:

    "Kevin McCarthy was the only man in the known universe who had a valid reason for not wanting to sleep with gorgeous Dana Wynter."
  20. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    I prefer the original over the remake...
  21. captainsolo

    captainsolo Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Murfreesboro, TN
    I've always loved the original so I never really had the desire to sit the through the 78 remake. I should see it though because I love that still of Donald Sutherland pointing crazily.

    That scene always had some sense of Greek mythology to me. Almost like the Sirens tempting sailors to doom.

    That's really cool! I love the fact that that tree is still there just past the intersection. They probably did have to block traffic, which makes me lament even more about it merely being a publicity still. In the film Miles and Becky finally make their break for freedom...and climb some stairs...and then we finally see the crowd of people following them.

    This is one of those B-movies that you just don't forget or stop thinking about. It reminds me of Deotur and Gun Crazy in that regard. Anytime I re-watch any of these three films I wind up thinking about them for days afterward.

    Why don't you go in, Miles? We've been waiting for you. ;)
  22. Wonderful movie. I always hated the end the studio forced Siegel to add to the film. Liked the original ending where it just ends with him on the highway yelling you're next
  23. captainsolo

    captainsolo Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Murfreesboro, TN
    There was this weird truck that just happened to have an accident that just happened to have this weird stuff in the back...
  24. deepsky4565

    deepsky4565 Forum Resident

    Mead, WA
    I love the parody in Airplane 2 where Stryker gets off a truck with pods in it. Great movie, I hope this can get the best possible blu-ray release.
    GuildX700 likes this.
  25. sparkydog

    sparkydog Forum Resident

    I agree that the 1978 version was pretty great, too. Never saw the 1993 "Body Snatchers" but 2007's "The Invasion" with Nicole Kidman was pretty awful - a generic zombie flick. IMHO.
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