Current Photos Of Famous Album Cover Locations

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by audiodrome, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. Pseudonym

    Pseudonym Senior Member

    Detroit, MI

  2. fattyramone

    fattyramone New Member

    Cambridge UK
    Cala Pregonda, Minorca


  3. fattyramone

    fattyramone New Member

    Cambridge UK
    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. :righton:
  4. jdrueke

    jdrueke Handsome Man

    Atlanta, Georgia
    This one is kind of lame, but I have been loving this thread and want to contribute:


    squittolo likes this.
  5. Lord Hawthorne

    Lord Hawthorne Currently Untitled

    Portland, Oregon
    Imagine unpacking all that and then wanting to return it.
    andypandy65 likes this.
  6. Colocally

    Colocally One Of The New Wave Boys

    Surrey BC.
    I bet there was a screw missing too. ;)
    andypandy65 likes this.
  7. fattyramone

    fattyramone New Member

    Cambridge UK
    Wormwood Scrubs Prison

    Gary Moore , Back on the streets


    ANDY USSERY likes this.
  8. donjjII

    donjjII New Member

    westland, mi
    Treads like these are why I lurk around here.

    Great work everyone!! Very interesting photos and stories!!

    andypandy65 likes this.
  9. action pact

    action pact Music Omnivore

    Columbus Circle, NYC?
  10. action pact

    action pact Music Omnivore





    Place de la Concorde, Paris:

    squittolo and srsch like this.
  11. barking spider

    barking spider Forum Resident

    the netherlands
    lake Mono


    On Wish you were here:
  12. nancybrooke

    nancybrooke Not quite Senior Member

    Seattle, WA, USA
    Hope this one hasn't been posted yet (I may have missed a few pages on the thread). 3614 Jackson Highway was always the one 60s Cher LP I could never find, it took me years to get a copy (pre-internet) - then when I eventually found it I barely played it at all! Maybe it's time to give it another spin.

    Attached Files:

  13. dbz

    dbz Bolinhead.

    Live At Leeds (UK)
    yeah, we are starting to repeat ourselves these last 2 days. It may be worth searching the thread first.
  14. reverendjim

    reverendjim Forum Resident

    new york, ny, usa
    I don't know that this is the same wall -- I assume not -- but this (the tiny Extra Place, NYC) is where the cover of the first Ramones album was shot. The building on the other side of the street is relatively new, so it's possible that the wall was there and has since been torn down.


  15. wave

    wave Forum Resident

    Allen Park, MI
    Close, but on the Southeast corner of Central Park.
  16. Spyder

    Spyder Official vinyl solicitor and connoisseur.

    Davenport, FL
    the famous Ramones wall is no longer around
  17. reverendjim

    reverendjim Forum Resident

    new york, ny, usa
  18. Spyder

    Spyder Official vinyl solicitor and connoisseur.

    Davenport, FL
    that is the alley, "Extra Place," that once stood the wall that now contains a new building (think it's a college dorm now).

    here's another today shot and a vintage shot from the 1934

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  19. fattyramone

    fattyramone New Member

    Cambridge UK

    Oh no , for goodness sake.:sigh:

    This thread is now 500+ posts long! how can you expect ANYBODY to take heed of all the posts?.....surely anybodies contributions are welcome? ...Irreguardless if YOU/HIM/ME/HER may have seen it before a few pages back?.

    Its supposed to be a fun/ irrelevant / nonsense thread?....isn't it?

    It's what galls me about this forum in particular , the amount of times you get "nerds" (and thats we ALL are) saying to newbies to the forum "OHHH we discussed this 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 years ago (and then inserts the relevant thread link to prove it) ......

    or goodness sake , cut out the nerdishness that attracts you to these kind of forums and stop spoiling it for all those that join 5 years after you.

    Lets All be totally Honest here ...for once........If we were all to be forced to adhere to totally original subjects/topics would close the forum tommorrow ....there would be nothing to talk about? ......nothing of any intrest to anybody

    YOU/I /US /THEY Did it all last year....ho hum .....boringgggggggggg to us.

    Just give those that are relativly new to this forum a break once in a while?.

    Honestly speaking , It seems that if your not part of the "in-crowd" on this forum that seems to anybody on the outside (lurking) that your a dreadfully unfriendly bunch of people.

    and thats a shame....a shame on you all
  20. Raunchnroll

    Raunchnroll Senior Member

    Kinks - Muswell Hillbillies (back cover!)

    The traffic divider they stand on in 1971 is gone now, as well as the street sign, but the scene looks pretty much the same.

    Attached Files:

  21. mrbillswildride

    mrbillswildride Internet Asylum Escapee 2010, 2012, 2014

    Yield To No Cyber-Bully Elitest Cliques...

    +1... er... what he said!!! :righton:

    and did Yield already get covered upthread???

    Oh, and other thing, regarding this:

    "Honestly speaking , It seems that if your not part of the "in-crowd" on this forum that seems to anybody on the outside (lurking) that your a dreadfully unfriendly bunch of people."

    A terrific example of this is the current REM thread were a few elitest cliquesters dominate the thread and ignore/exclude all others who dare to offer up their own opines and/or to question these fellas' 'superior views' on all things REM... a bad side of this place...

    However, this thread, and MANY others, are a very good side...

  22. Manalishi

    Manalishi With the 2-pronged crown

    New Hampshire
    According to Ethan Russell's Dear Mr. Fantasy (ER shot the Who's Next cover) the concrete pillars were there to prevent the slag heap from shifting about. The Who and ER were driving down the M1? when Townshend turned to ER and asked if he'd seen anything that might make a good album cover and ER said "We'll there was something a few miles back..." (I'm paraphrasing) and that's how the slag heap became the cover of WN.
  23. foobar2000

    foobar2000 New Member

    Wikipedia claims the Yield cover was shot in Billings Montana.

    Your hill looks nothing like it.

    In any case, just to throw this whole thing further afield, here's the last known photo of Dean filling up his Porsche 550 in Sherman Oaks CA before leaving for Salinas CA. Just 5 hours before the fateful crash.


    And here is the same spot today.

    squittolo and Binni like this.
  24. Fullbug

    Fullbug Forum Resident

    Wow. Having a bad day.
    1. It's just the interwebs. It's not reality.
    2. It's just like anything else if it's so important to you--you gotta FIGHT your way in.
  25. mrbillswildride

    mrbillswildride Internet Asylum Escapee 2010, 2012, 2014

    Theory Crashes and Burns...

    Originally Posted by mrbillswildride
    "I have a theory that this cover shot is looking east from the site of James Dean's deadly car crash, which occured about 20 miles east of here."

    Wikipedia claims the Yield cover was shot in Billings Montana.

    Your hill looks nothing like it.

    Thank you for the clarification. I stand corrected, with the exception to the rule that you can-not believe everything you see printed on the cyber-bible wikipedia--bane of most serious scholars...

    I have to disagree that the hills look different, like I said, if you go round that bend up the road a spell from the third pix--inside the car window, it looks just like that hill "exactly..."

    But, mystery solved...theory DOA...

    And I have just gone though all 27 pages of this thread, and must reagree once more, one the best SHTV threads ever... with proper acknowledgements to the OP and others who tried to start similar threads..."when the teacher is ready the students will arrive..."

    Also a follow-up to some topics on pages 7 and 14 I believe, maybe not in this order.

    Neil Young's On The Beach cover is reportedly, Zuma Beach, which would make sense as his next album was entitled Zuma and he had a place nearby, once... this according to fellow forum member drewslo... ex-Malabuian...

    Also, a member requested ( POST #267) quite a few album covers for future sleuths to uncover, and one of them was the first two Travis albums. Their second, The Invisible Band, my fave, was shot, IIRC, in the trees of Santa Cruz, Central California. Again, correct me if I am wrong.

    And, regarding post #133, that cover pix (of Unhalfbricking) was reported shot of Sandy's Denny's parent's (that's them in front of the gate) house garden gate area, in Wimbleton...

    Finally, supercontributer fuzzyramone, how on earth did you find the Madcap's room and get into it, or is that super-sleuthy top-secret cosmic-stuff...


    PS: Anyone notice anything odd in that B&W JD crash photo... :eek:

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