Beatles Red & Blue Albums Remastered Oct. 19 (Part Two)

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by darkmatter, Oct 19, 2010.

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  1. Jason Manley

    Jason Manley Senior Member

    Tell me your kidding!
  2. mr_mjb1960

    mr_mjb1960 I'm a Tarrytowner 'Til I die!

    Wish I was,Pal,But..No,I'm not..sorry!:shake:
  3. Pawnmower

    Pawnmower Senior Member

    Dearborn, MI
    a mastering is either brickwalled or it's not. it's not up to the individual.
  4. AKA

    AKA Senior Member

    Are you sure you're not mistaken? This seems to contradict what everyone else who has heard the set is saying.
  5. mr_mjb1960

    mr_mjb1960 I'm a Tarrytowner 'Til I die!

    Well,it is LOUD,and Distorted at times..However,They DID Even out that Rough spot in "AHDN",Tho'....
  6. BeatleStair

    BeatleStair Senior Member

    Fort Wayne, IN
    No way is it brickwalled!!! You must have gotten a much different set than I did. It sounds great and definitely uses the 2009 masters. I've listened to both sets a couple of times and it sounds great. Granted, if you don't like last years remasters you won't like them but they used the new remasters.
  7. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Well, it would be great if they would articulate just what those "technical" issues were. I do trust the team that it was, and, to my ears, it all sounds good on the remasters. Of course, they would never tell us if they screwed up.
  8. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    I will only get them if there is a clear reason, other than a clean intro to "A Day And The Life", to get them.
  9. Evan L

    Evan L Beatologist

    I have this already on the "Imagine" soundtrack.

    I would imagine a clear difference between the new discs and the '93 masters would be the fact the older discs have NR.

  10. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Because the AD conversion is different, which means a different sound. But, with today's digital tools, they can virtually eliminate any sonic differences.
  11. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    I can simply reconstruct the red/blue CDs (except for ADITL) from the remasters and be done with it.

    They would be nice to have, but that's a tank of gas!
  12. Evan L

    Evan L Beatologist

    I would have to drive 15 miles each way to get 'em. Get the Imagine soundtrack off of for ADITL.

  13. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    I wouldn't even go there just to keep the peace around here.
  14. SolarWind

    SolarWind New Member

    Amsterdam, Holland
    If you look at the waveforms of the 2010 remastered red/blue albums in a sound editor you will --no surprise--see this "new-moan lawn" profile, which is, sadly, so typical for many modern CD releases (including the 2009 Beatles remasters).
    There is no audible distortion, though, because of the look-ahead compressors they used, etc. By ear, the 2010 red/blue albums do sound very-very good!

    On the other hand, there were no "new-moan lawn" waves in the 1993 red/blue CDs, since "peak limiting" and "loudness maximizing by all means" were not in vogue back then. The 1993 CDs are clearly more dynamic. But unfortunately they were subjected to some kind of (analog?) noise reduction, which resulted in veiled sound in quiet passages.

    Why can't we just have the best of both: Good, hi-rez transfer + full dynamics ? Too good to be true...
  15. Batears52

    Batears52 Senior Member

    Near Baltimore, MD

    Agreed! Growing up with the US albums, I never saw the PPM shot until many years later - after the Red & Blue albums came out. I never bothered to look at them together - just assumed it was the same pic - maybe cropped or something. For what it's worth - I like the PPM shot better!

  16. dirwuf

    dirwuf Misplaced Chicagoan

    Fairfield, CT
  17. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    Doesn't matter. *If* the intro to AHDN was actually damaged, editing in from another digital source (or even another analog source) would have been less noticeable than what ended up on the remastered CD. That's a big "if", though. It really doesn't sound like tape damage at all, as I've mentioned before.

    The high end of the intro. You can't claim there's no high end to reduce when plenty of people can hear it.

    As I've stated repeatedly, the issue in the intro is plainly audible to anybody familiar with the song/mix. If it was actually a tape problem, it would have been trivial to edit in the intro from another source, be it analog or digital. Considering the issue is still there, that seems to indicate to me a change was made intentionally, to make the opening chord sound less harsh. It doesn't sound like a tape problem, and if it *was* a tape problem, I can't imagine they wouldn't have fixed it.

    And, Paul Hicks said they didn't make changes like *what*, exactly? The stereo AHDN album was also narrowed somewhat, which is certainly less than "pure". Between that and other various "fixes" it doesn't seem out of the question at all that they would fiddle with the intro to AHDN.
  18. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    Common knowledge AFAIK, because you can see the differences etc
  19. michaelscrutchin

    michaelscrutchin Forum Resident

    Houston, TX (USA)
    I haven't listened to the new Red and Blue yet, but I've looked at a few waveforms next to their counterparts on the 2009 remasters and most of them look almost exactly the same, for what it's worth. Same dynamics, slightly different overall volume levels in some cases. Definitely not brickwalled as one person was suggesting.
  20. Duophonic

    Duophonic Beatles

    I'm sorry but the new essay seems like it was written by a glorified blogger. Sorry if I offend.
  21. Duophonic

    Duophonic Beatles

    The Across the Universe from the blue album is louder than the Let It Be remaster.
  22. CybrKhatru

    CybrKhatru Music is life.

    Los Angeles
    I just made a playlist of the Red tracks (pulled from the Mono box), and am about to do the same for the Blue tracks (obviously using Mono and stereo remasters). Looks like there's no real need for me to buy these.

    Grant's comment about a tank of gas is spot-on!
  23. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    IMO its a mistake in the mastering and Apple have:

    A: Have not noticed


    B: Have noticed but are too stuborn to fix it because then they will have to admit the mistake!


    C: Dont Give A **** because it is not affecting Sales etc so why spend more money to fix it ?
  24. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    This may sound a bit silly, but it makes me wonder whether they made the mistake on purpose, ie to keep us all talking about them etc, ie publicity? and so there is a reason for us to buy them in the future when they do it right and that fixed version is included in an expensive Beatles Reel Music boxset which will also give us Movie Medley ?
  25. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    It was "right" on the '93 Red CD and "1", so...
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