ATC: I've found the mixing speaker of my dreams..

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Steve Hoffman, Apr 26, 2009.

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  1. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    ATC SCM-150ASL mid field studio monitors.

    I recently used three ATC's to mix and master some three-channel SACD projects (can't talk about it yet) and found them to be very easy to work with.

    They tell the truth and are wonderfully tuneful. Both Kevin Gray and I were very impressed with the sound..

    If you are in the biz or even just a home listener, these might suit you. Fairly priced after the usual discount (compared to some home audiophile brands) and self-powered so no amps needed. It's a treat working with them.

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    jusbe, hvbias and mike catucci like this.
  2. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    Mike Bishop uses ATC speakers.
  3. Gary

    Gary Nauga Gort! Staff

    Pretty heavy although they don't look it, but I guess that's what happens when they are self powered!

    Do you use them with a certain type of preamp? Passive, perhaps?
  4. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter


    I would never use a passive in my system. Just doesn't work for me. Active preamps always sound more musical to me. In the studio we used a very high end multi-channel mixer as our pre but in a home situation the normal rules apply; the better the line, the better the sound..
  5. Guardian

    Guardian Forum Resident

    Those spikes are sure to poke a hole in your floor! :biglaugh:
  6. Baron Von Talbot

    Baron Von Talbot Well-Known Member

  7. Leigh


    16K is fairly priced... yow. Well I guess you get "free" amplification but still!
  8. Dubmart

    Dubmart Senior Member

    Bristol, England
    You can't go wrong with ATCs, I'd love to get a pair of 150s, but I might need a bigger house to do them justice.:)
    Blzebub likes this.
  9. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    15" bass driver - that's huge. The built-in amp would be optimized to control that driver. I imagine it's hard to control otherwise.
  10. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    I've used the ATC 50 that you have. Great speaker. Be happy with it! Perfect for home use.
    Baron Von Talbot likes this.
  11. Dubmart

    Dubmart Senior Member

    Bristol, England
    I am very happy with my 50s and although I've heard many great speakers over the years, several of which I could happily live with, I've never heard anything that made me feel I needed to change.
  12. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    Congrats Steve, ATCs are amazing. One of my favourite speaker marques for any application. A friend of mine had active 50's for awhile, they were scary revealing. But, you hear all the music, detail, and what ever was there in the recording, in accurate fashion. The only downside might be that owning these will prompt one to upgrade the upstream components. They are ruthless. But you don't need Ruth anyway. :D

    ATCs on the end of a Naim system is a massively grooving situation. :thumbsup:

    Steve, what do you think of that ATC midrange driver? ;)

    I'd love to hear the new Beatles CDs though ATCs when they come out...
    Blzebub likes this.
  13. Vinyl-Addict

    Vinyl-Addict Groovetracer Manufacturer

    Those are huge monitors. Did you ever get your hands on the Harbeth M40.1 to try out in your studio?
  14. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    Never did, no. My promised demo pair went elsewhere..
  15. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    As fond as I am of Harbeths I must say: Steve, you've found the ultimate monitors. I've also yet to hear 40.1s though, I could change me mind.
  16. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    Cool, Steve. You got these here in Vegas?
  17. darkmatter

    darkmatter Gort Astronomer Staff

    Attached Files:

  18. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    Especially with your Bryston amplification...:D
  19. sound chaser

    sound chaser Senior Member

    North East UK.
    I've been championing my entry level SCM11's on here for a while.

    Personally, I'm impressed with their lack of 'sound'.
    ether-bored likes this.
  20. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    Sure, but I wanna hear some other British bands like Iron Maiden! heh eh. :D
  21. Dreadnought

    Dreadnought I'm a live wire. Look at me burn.

    Toronto, Canada
    My only question is what took so long to find them? :)

    I've drooled a bit at seeing Doug Sax's ATC 5.1 Studio setup. Looks weird though, unnatural. Maybe it sounds weird?

    Having owned the ATC 12 litre passive speaker and presently the ATC 35 litre passive speaker with ATC amp I never feel I need more or that I'm missing anything. Just right.

    Edit: Ooops just saw yours Baron. :)

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  22. darkmatter

    darkmatter Gort Astronomer Staff

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  23. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
  24. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    Aren't the "home" versions double the price? The WAF (wife acceptance factor) home version of the 150 is like 30k or something.. You can keep the Walnut veneer.
  25. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia

    Crikey, those are FRIGHTENING!!
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