Hendrix 'Are You Experienced?' MONO - UK Track vs. French Barclay **samples**

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by prof. stoned, Jan 5, 2009.

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  1. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    Though I'd share this here.
    If you care for this album in mono, I'd strongly urge you to take a moment to listen.

    The sample below has three fragments of each record.
    The UK Track mono (A1/B1 stampers) fragments are sourced from a 24/96 needledrop
    done on a high-end system.
    The Barclay is my own transfer (see profile for tech info).
    It's the early 70's press with an Isle of wight photo on the front.

    Sample - Orig. Track UK vs. Barclay French

    For those interested, here's another sample with the same fragments.
    The difference is that the Barclay fragments have been EQ'd by me.

    Sample - Orig. UK Track vs. Barclay Remaster
    wwright and kees1954 like this.
  2. Wow, that's a substantial difference!

    It almost sounds as though the UK Track mono sounds worn (perhaps at one time in its history it was played with a very heavy tone arm?)... have you seen the record, and how does it appear?
  3. Paul K

    Paul K Senior Member

    Toronto, Canada
    Sounds like a severe treble boost on the Barclay...
  4. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    I'd say the other way around. There is hardly any information above 6kHz on the Track.

    I haven't seen the Track vinyl as used in the samples. But I have heard other drops from different A1/B1 copies and this one here sounded the best.
  5. Paul K

    Paul K Senior Member

    Toronto, Canada
    Ah I see then!
  6. Although I'm only listening on my PC speakers, I definitely prefer the Barclay. I've always wanted to get a mono edition of this album, I think I'll go for the Barclay and save some $$$.
  7. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    This is what my copy looks like:

  8. KipB

    KipB Forum Resident

    Bethel, CT, USA
    Wow ... the Barclay sounds really great, Prof. S. I love the mono mix but I've never heard anything but the Track until now ... this is what it was meant to sound like.

    Fantastic ... thanks for posting those samples.
  9. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    Excellent work there Prof, thank you very much!:righton:
  10. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    You're welcome guys.
    wwright likes this.
  11. namahealani

    namahealani Forum Resident

    Can I ask a question about differences in the mono & stereo mixes?

    On the U.S. Reprise mono LP when the song AYE fades out it doesn't come back in.
    On the U.S. stereo LP it fades out, then back in briefly.

    On the U.S. stereo LP near the end of Foxey Lady Jimi says "Foxey Lady, here I come baby, I'm comin' to git ya"
    On the U.S. Reprise mono LP near the end of Foxey Lady he says "Foxey Lady, ...(silence)..., I'm comin' to git ya"
    ("here I come baby" is inaudible).

    Do the UK Track LPs have those same differences? I'm assuming they do.
    There are probably more differences but those two I remember without having to go back and re-listen.
  12. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

  13. namahealani

    namahealani Forum Resident

    Thanks! I just noticed that Manic Depression, in mono, doesn't have the loud cymbal sound at the end.
  14. onlyconnect

    onlyconnect The prose and the passion

    Winchester, UK
    Not so sure. I tried my own needledrop. It is tonally similar to yours but there is definitely information above 6KHz. It can certainly be made to sound more like the Barclays with EQ though I'm not skilled enough to know how close.

    I'm not sure which I prefer. The Barclays sounds unnatural to me but that might be because of familiarity with the Track.

    My needledrop is here:


  15. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    If you think the Track sounds good that's fine.
    Your samples sound similair to the ones I provided.
    There is no notable audio information above 6kHz, just hiss, clicks and distortion.
    You can't EQ something in that isn't there....
  16. onlyconnect

    onlyconnect The prose and the passion

    Winchester, UK
    I may be doing this wrong, but when I use the equalizer in Foobar and boost the levels above 7Khz I easily hear the difference and the treble comes forward more. Is there a better way to analyze this?

  17. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    Sure, you'll get some more clarity if you boost the top-end.
    But do you get a clean sparkly high end up to 20k, comparable to the Barclay ?

    No. Because it's not there. :wave:
  18. onlyconnect

    onlyconnect The prose and the passion

    Winchester, UK
    Big difference between 6K and 20k.

  19. Stan94

    Stan94 Senior Member

    Paris, France
    Spectacular difference indeed! Eddie Barclay imported the 33 1/3 record in France in 1954 and I heard most of his firm's recording, cutting and pressing machines were top of the range. Many recordings by French artists on Barclay in the 60's were terribly hissy (Jacques Brel, Léo Ferré...).
  20. daviddaniel

    daviddaniel Forum Resident

    In the light of stan94 's post and my own experience of BARCLAY's LPs I amost prefer the Barclay with no EQ.
    That being said the original is certainly a bit "pinchy" like some of the original no noised cd issues, and your EQ does help, thanks.
  21. prof. stoned

    prof. stoned Forum Member Thread Starter

    A high-pass filter or a wide Q factor (which was used during the mastering of the UK Track) just doesn't chop everything above a certain frequency off and leaves everything below the set frequency intact.
    It works like a fade.
    Now technically -yes- there is SOME audio information above 6kHz on the Track but not much.
    That was my point.

    Thanks for that info.
    However, I don't think it's the cutting system that makes the big difference here.
    It's more likely that Barclay used a different tape than the Polydor pressing plant.
    My theory is that the UK Track mastering was actually approved by Chas Chandler.
    The French were probably given a 1:1 of the mixdown masters plus instructions how to master (which they ignored).
    Exactly the same thing that happened with the 'Die Beatles' LP.
  22. onlyconnect

    onlyconnect The prose and the passion

    Winchester, UK
    That makes more sense, thanks.

    I guess then that the Track does sound as intended - whether or not we like it - it is an EQ choice.

  23. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    Oh my god. That is a huge difference. Until now every version of the mono mix I've heard sounded like a transistor radio. The Barclay has the same fidelity the stereo mix has. Barclay clearly had a much better tape to work from. What a huge find. This is at least as significant as the German Die Beatles LP.

    Excellent work prof. stoned :righton:
  24. Metoo

    Metoo Forum Hall Of Fame

    Spain (EU)
    Prof., I hear some smearing (and a kind of distorted sizzilng) in the cymbals on your EQd version of "Fire." (I am listening through my Sennheiser 600s). Hope this is taken as a constructive observation. :)
  25. Kustom 250

    Kustom 250 Active Member

    Thanks Prof!

    I'll be looking for a Barclay copy. Unless someone finally does a great job with a mono AYE reissue.

    My Track copy doesn't sound quite as rolled off tho'. I'm not sure what the stampers are as I'm at work.

    Track "Fire"
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