Anyone else let down by the Rolling Stones' Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by C6H12O6, Jul 10, 2008.

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  1. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    In addition to my question above, does anyone know if the complete KSAN broadcast the day after Altamont is available anywhere? The Criterion DVD has several excerpts, but not the whole thing.
  2. paulg61

    paulg61 Senior Member


    Yeah, Love to hear more of what Sonny Barger has got to say!
  3. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    I'm actually listening to the bonus audio for the first time now. It seems as if the audio in the movie was pretty tightly edited - he actually comes across as more sympathetic on the (more) complete call.
  4. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
  5. TeddyB

    TeddyB Senior Member

    It's actually Allen Klein's nephew. IIRC, his name is Ronnie Schneider. If not, I apologize.
  6. RobertKaneda

    RobertKaneda New Member

    Paris, France
    Could well be. I haven't checked it against the film, but at least the muttonchops are there:
  7. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    Hmm. I think I remember seeing him in the movie, but I don't think that's who I'm thinking of.
  8. RobertKaneda

    RobertKaneda New Member

    Paris, France
    Couple of photos from the old days. B&W was taken by Neil Zlozower (a year behind me at Fairfax High who went on to fame and fortune as a rock photographer). Good shot of the Dan Armstrong, on November 8, 1969, L.A. Forum. Neil used to give out prints of his shots back when we were kids. I attended that show but with a bunch of others, and not Neil. I don't know if the picture is from the first or second show that evening. (I went to the first show.)

    Color shot was taken by me on June 11, 1972 (first show), L.A. Forum, from fifth row seats right in front of Keith. The second show that day was a phenomenal one, the Stones at their greatest (even though it wasn't 1969), although Keith's guitar was way out of tune on "Love in Vain."

    This was back in the day when you could take cameras to shows, etc.

    I'll go through the old stuff. If there's anything interesting, I'll post it.

    Attached Files:

    marmalade166 likes this.
  9. buddahbelly

    buddahbelly Member

    Houston, Tx, USA
    You are probably seeing Ronnie Schnieders assistant Pete Bennett
  10. GentleGiant

    GentleGiant New Member

    Never actually heard this one before....
  11. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    Hmm...could be. I'll have to compare the photos out there to the movie later.
  12. Aftermath

    Aftermath Senior Member

    Have to say the guy Luke is talking about does (IMO) look a lot like the photos of Klein I've seen from that period.
  13. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    I'm guessing they just looked somewhat similar at the time.

    Here's a photo from 2002 of Klein and his wife:

  14. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    This is who I'm talking about.

    Attached Files:

  15. jsayers

    jsayers Just Drifting....

    Horse Shoe, NC
    That looks like John Wayne Gacey!!! Yikes!!!!:D
  16. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Senior Member

    Can't agree. I hate the sludgy, out of tune sound that Keith got from that hideous glass or plexiglass guitar he played on the '69 tour. From listening to contemporary boots, it seems like he was constantly out of tune. Why he abandoned the Telecaster during this period is beyond me.
  17. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    Speaking of out of tune guitars - Keith appears to be playing a Dobro during Prodigal Son. Yet he's playing it like a normal acoustic guitar (no slide, not lap style). Why would somebody play a Dobro that way?
  18. Skip Reynolds

    Skip Reynolds Legend In His Own Mind

    Moscow, Idaho
    I've loved the Stones since 1965, but Ya Ya's has always left me cold. Except for Mick T's solo on "Love In Vain", there's nothing that does much for me.

    I want to like the album, but was disappointed the first time I heard it. Since then, numerous attempts to hear it with open ears have never made any difference. I still own it, and will probably give it yet another try sooner or later.
  19. RobertKaneda

    RobertKaneda New Member

    Paris, France
  20. Aftermath

    Aftermath Senior Member

    AFAIK he wasn't playing telecasters before the '69 tour.
  21. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    According to this, Jaymes is in the hotel room grooving to Brown Sugar. If that's true, he isn't the guy in the photo.

    Yet, this claims he was:

  22. RobertKaneda

    RobertKaneda New Member

    Paris, France
    To get the sound he wanted for that song played under those circumstances.

    One thing I remarked when seeing the Stones in 69 and 72 was how much Keith looked at his hands as he played. He was a quite careful player back then.

    Another shot courtesy of 15-year old Neil Zlozower, November 11, 1969.

    Attached Files:

    marmalade166 likes this.
  23. RobertKaneda

    RobertKaneda New Member

    Paris, France
    You be the judge. Booth seems to positively identify him, down to the sideburns and his presence in the scene in question. Note this listing of the cast of the film:
  24. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Senior Member

    You may be right about that. As the above photos show, he was playing a Telecaster on the '72 tour. In '69, the Lucite guitar turned the crisp, ringing intro chords of songs such as "Street Fighting Man" into a big wall of sludge.
  25. Aftermath

    Aftermath Senior Member

    IIRC, Keith literally describes the '69 tour as being like going back to school again on the 25X5 video.
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